White People Write Nonsense On Their Faces To Exhibit Their Privilege

5 months ago

Over the weekend, I did a post on a column Ibram X. Kendi wrote as a college senior majoring in African American studies. He asked how he could hate Europeans, and then commenced to call them "a different breed" that was raised to be aggressive and racist. He also said something about how whites, a minority globally, had tried to "level the playing field" with AIDS and cloning. Now the guy is raking in millions for his Center for Antiracist Research, which has been accused of not actually producing anything. It has not only been experiencing layoffs but has also been accused of mismanagement of funds and disorganization. Kendi, of course, blamed the layoffs on racism. I always say that DEI is poison. I'm not sure where James Lindsay found this video or when it was shot or by whom, but it begs to be seen. It's as cringeworthy as that video of celebrities singing "Imagine." -- James Lindsay, anti-Fascist @ConceptualJames: “DEI is a cult.”

To kick off the week, know that no matter how messed up your life is you are better than these losers… You can't even read what's written on their faces, which is no great loss. Remember that we live in an era where "It's OK to be white" is included in the ADL's "Glossary of Extremism and Hate." This video was from an initiative that first popped up at University of MN Duluth in 2010. They were running a seminar about white privilege and the posters had pictures of white people with marked up faces. I couldn’t believe it. The seminar was being run by a white man who had written a book calling for white genocide. I can’t remember his name. It’s amazing how fast it spread after that. Someone with money did this. I wish we could follow the money. Speaking of white genocide: An article in Harvard Magazine vows to abolish and destroy the white race. This is from 2002. Harvard has been conquered for decades. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GDQikfPa4AAPqR2?format=jpg&name=large

It's cool, though — the white race is just a "social construct" so it's OK to destroy it. Serious question: Are blacks supposed to appreciate this video? Or do they think it's as condescending and stupid as I do? It was obviously thought up by a white person. Do any of the morons in the video even know any black people? I'm sure they all have "black friends." Even Nikki Haley last week stooped to the "I have black friends" trope after she flubbed a question about the cause of the Civil War by not immediately saying slavery. All last week serial plagiarist and academic fraud Claudine Gay had people excusing her theft because she's black. That's privilege. Wasn't Barack Obama supposed to unify us? Joe Biden, who has said some of the most racist things I've heard, said he was going to unify us. This is not how to do it.

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