Article 4584 Video - Response to RL --- False Claim - Tuesday, January 2, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Article 4584 Video - Response to RL --- False Claim - Tuesday, January 2, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

There are wrong-headed individuals sprouting up all over the world like flowers in May. Most of them are so ignorant about me and my actual work that they can't spell my name correctly. Most are also selling their own brand of snake oil and wrongly think of me as a competitor, too. So la-la....

In Australia we have one group claiming that I have a "cult" and a "franchise" in Australia, but I am not enfranchised myself nor incorporated in any way, so it would be rather difficult (and hypocritical) for me to enfranchise anyone else; and, I am an American on top of that condition, which leaves me with no tiny bit of connection to Australia in the only jurisdiction that counts -- which is the land and soil of Australia.

For the record, I don't own or claim as much as one cubic centimeter of Australia nor do I have plans to move there any time soon, so all suppositions that I am in any way enfranchising, enslaving, interfering with, or messing with the Australia in any respect is well and truly clueless.

What I do have in my hot little hands is the cured claim to Australia, Inc. (a lecherous Territorial Corporation run by Mercenaries) and AUSTRALIA, INC., (an equally greedy 'governmental services" corporation) and all the assets they purloined from the people of Australia.

And what I also have is the rather inconvenient fact that the land and soil of Australia was violated under color of law and placed under an illegal commercial mercenary occupation similar to the Raj in India back in 1910.

So there is presently only an incipient government representing the interests of the land, soil, and people of Australia --- a government of Australians who are declaring their identity as living Australians, claiming back their birthrights, their Good Names, their DNA, their land and soil, water, and air and everything else that rightly belongs to them.

They are recording and publishing their own claims to their own property and organizing their local assemblies as the traditional and customary means that English-speaking people have of self-governing.

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