Public International Notice: There Are Two Sets of Corporations Involved. By Anna Von Reitz

5 months ago

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Article 4581 Video - Public International Notice: There Are Two Sets of Corporations Involved. - Saturday, December 30, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

The British-backed organization merely appearing to be properly formed as the "United States of America, Incorporated" is busily spreading disinformation about its equally complicit and colluding Municipal Corporation counterpart, doing business as the "United States, Incorporated".

There are two sets of phony corporations involved, one British-backed, one Roman Municipal, neither one properly formed as corporations, both operated under conditions of deceit and non-disclosure, both serving foreign masters.

The Puppetmasters who own both sets of phony corporations use them alternately as "carrot" and as "stick" and then pit their bloated bureaucracies against each other to keep the rubes entertained, much like the annual Army/Navy Football Game.

It's all for show and it's all for fraud.

There are two sets of equally guilty and obnoxious and self-interested for-profit governmental services organizations, and one set of owners.

Go figure.

Once in a while these mentally and morally challenged owners go too far, as in the present instance, and then they are motivated to drum up some kind of smoke and mirrors sideshow to draw attention away from themselves and displace the blame.

Often this sideshow takes the form of political fisticuffs like the Gladstone v Disraeli debates, or "The American Civil War", or the September 11th Attack, or most recently, the biowarfare Pandemic.

They keep us busy cleaning up and paying for all their mistakes. They aren't too bright and lack a moral compass, too. They are in charge of both sets of phony corporations, which aren't actually corporations. And they are all acting as pirates.

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