Article 4576 Video - International Public Announcement: The Answer is Simple By Anna Von Reitz

6 months ago

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Article 4576 Video - International Public Announcement: The Answer is Simple - Friday, December 29, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Humanity has been attacked and millions of innocent people worldwide have been killed by Legal Fictions -- corporations that not only have no natural right to exist, but which, it turns out, also have no lawful or legal right to exist.

In order to charter corporations, a government must occupy the soil jurisdiction of an actual country; to register franchises, a government must occupy the land jurisdiction of an actual country.

In the present case, corporations should have been chartered by the King or Queen of England, but no such King or Queen has sat on the Throne of England during the past 300 years. Once chartered, international franchises could be registered, but failing the first part -- a properly chartered parent corporation, the franchises all fail the test, too.

It turns out that the Brits have been secretly creating corporations without the standing to do so and getting away with this lawless and irresponsible behavior for 300 years.

No wonder that their corporations and the officers responsible for running them have likewise been piratical and unaccountable.

So it appears that no lawful Sovereign has sat on the Throne of England since somewhere in the reign of Queen Anne (1701-1714). That means that no valid corporation charters have been issued since then. It also means that no valid registrations of franchises have taken place.

It inexorably follows that without the authority and standing to create corporations, all the corporations ostensibly chartered or registered throughout the British Empire for the past 300 years are defunct, null and void, as if they never were, and their assets are chattel owed to their Creditors.

This is not quite the overwhelming disaster one might assume.

The affected organizations can voluntarily undergo lawful conversion, a process sometimes called "nationalization", and continue to operate under the Law of the Land of their native country, assuming that their country still has and retains its sovereignty.

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