VIDEO - The (crying for vengeance) heretical lies of the SSPX heretics...

4 months ago

Video publication produced and published by the Holy Apostolic See of Rome (in exile) on the Feria within the Octave of Epiphany...8 January 2024 AD...

The (crying for vengeance) heretical lies of the SSPX heretics...

Official doctrinal and canonical document of the Holy Apostolic See of Rome (in exile), published by the order of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I, outlining the heresies of the illegitimate “order” of the so called Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), which heresies are not limited only to these IPSO FACTO excommunicated SSPX heretics, but also to all those heretics in any way connected with this fraudulent “order”, which all do deny the truth, one way or another, that the non-Catholic pro-communist APOSTATE Novus Ordo Sect of Satan is NOT the Catholic Church in any way whatsoever, and that these servants of the devil (with communist connections) are sentencing millions of souls to Hell by their false heretical new religion and fraudulent heretical “ceremonies” that are NOT Catholic NOR have these Novus Ordo semi-Protestant abominations ever been approved by the Church as they are not Catholic...

All those souls who would dare to disregard this infallible doctrine on this important subject of protecting the Catholic Faith against these SSPX (and any other) heretics and the Novus Ordo sectarian apostates, and against the sedevacantist heretics as well, must know that by their denial they incur the sentence of excommunication specially reserved to this Holy Apostolic See, to the judgment, in all individual cases, of the true and rightful Sovereign Pontiff His Holiness Pope Jacobus I, without which absolution from heresy they cannot and will not be able to save their soul, as outside the Roman Catholic Church and without full communion with this Holy Apostolic See of Rome (in exile), there is absolutely no salvation !

The restoration of the Catholic Church is seriously hampered by the diabolically driven evil and heretical influence of the heretics (SSPX, SSPX - MC, SSPV and sedevacantist heretics) and of the Vatican occupying non-Catholic pro-communist APOSTATE Novus Ordo Sect.

- ALL the heretics and sectarian apostates, and therefore enemies of God, are thus excommunicated by the Decree of the Holy Apostolic See of Rome (in exile)

- and the true requirements for valid admission into the Roman Catholic Church

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