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#82 - Ephesians, Part 7, "Fullness"

1 year ago

There are so many people who have had real encounters with God who have never known the fullness of Jesus Christ in their life. God wants to change you with His fullness inside of you. We are His Church, His Body, the fullness of Him who fills all things. Jesus Christ was filled with grace and truth, and He wants you as full as He is.

We need the fullness today. Why aren’t we pressing in to see the Church filled with the Holy Spirit? A spirit of slumber has rested on the churches. The gospel is way bigger than what we have made it today. It is a powerful gospel that wants to save you: spirit, soul, and body.

God wants to do a work in you and fill you with the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead; and when God fills you with Himself, you cannot be the same.

There is an abundance of God’s Spirit that He wants to fill you with. Some don’t even know to ask for His fullness or to pursue more of the Holy Ghost. We have left so much on the table.


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