#80 - Ephesians, Part 5, "Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation"

8 months ago

Paul prayed for a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ Jesus. The spirit of wisdom implies a continual unfolding of abiding, residing, and living wisdom. This is something we are missing in the church today.

We have overemphasized the knowledge of the cross without connecting with the brokenness that comes from the cross. We have heads full of cognitive transfer, but this knowledge has not dropped into the spirit or changed the hearts of men.

We are transferring cognitive knowledge instead of enlarging on revelation. Because of this, there’s no freedom, no healing, no deliverance, and no signs of the new birth.

Cognitive transfer does not stick. What we need today are minds enlightened and transfigured from divine encounters. We need the wisdom of God dwelling in the hearts and minds of men through revelation.

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