#72 - Ephesians, Part 2, "Acceptance in the Beloved"

5 months ago

One of the greatest needs we have is acceptance. We all have experienced the pain of rejection; and if anyone understands the ramifications of rejection, it is Jesus.
Even when the whole world has rejected us, we have the ability to be accepted by God. This divine acceptance is the power of God working inside the life of a person, bringing joy unspeakable that is full of glory.
It is by grace we are accepted in the Beloved. Acceptance from God is based on what He has done for us through the blood of Jesus Christ to reconcile us back to Himself. Many people have the knowledge of this, but their spirit has not yet had the revelation. When this is revealed, a flood of life, joy, hope, and peace comes.

Seek and hear the voice of God speak to you and confirm in your spirit that He has made you accepted in the Beloved.

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