1 year ago

23 December 2023 Locals Questions

I’m someone who is struggling to stay motivated in my business.
I own a small contracting business where I do estimates, provide services based on a monthly subscription, and also provide installations.
The work is very rewarding but some days I struggle to even get out of bed.
I’m having the “freeze” response when I overbook or just have health issues.
In my past I suffered from overworking and drinking after work, although I don’t do that anymore I still feel “overworked”.
I’ve also never taken a real 2 week vacation in my adult life.
How do you balance work/life and stress in a healthy way? Especially if you’re the business owner.

Have you thought about compiling all your podcasts and books into a hard drive and selling that to the viewers for 50 to 100 bucks so that if the internet goes down or whatever, whatever, your work will be stored in different sites of the world?

What are cold feet? Why do some people want to move across the continent or across the the world, no matter how many times they do it. What is the addiction to travel?

In your talk with Dr. Pesta, y'all discussed sacrifice in the context of the Bible. This week in a Q&A, now, you also discussed the topic. I've always seen these biblical and social concepts of sacrifice as morally incorrect, in that I don't think humans are or should be sacrificial animals. I see the Rand notion that something is not a sacrifice unless you give up something you value for something you value less as a more accurate human concept. It requires you to first have defined your values, then rank them, then choose with free will. It seems more appropriate to describe what parents do for their children. They value continuing their genetic life more than the other stuff they could buy or time on other pursuit, yet it isn't altruistic or loss or negative of for themselves. Even the example of Mother Teresa, or a similar ilk, could also be explained this way is the act to increase their values by actions that seem altruistic, but instead are not, as they are choosing the reward of those actions, accolade, sense of accomplishment, emotional reward of helping, etc., over time. Money or other alternatives they could have chosen, but value less. I'd be interested in hearing how specifically you define sacrifice and relate it to both the concepts of the Bible and that which Rand describes, not so to call the latter Rand's concept.

Transcript: https://freedomain.com/what-is-the-meaning-of-your-life-transcript/

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