Unveiling The Ultimate Home Buyer Turn-Off: Realtor's Pet Peeve And an Easy Solution for Sellers!

11 months ago

from my Wife... (watch and share)

As a realtor, one of my greatest pet peeves is to walk into a home, no matter the price, and see dirty grout in a tub or on a shower floor. Maybe it's not dirty... it might just be chipped. It's an easy fix that costs less than $20 to fix in most cases if you do it yourself. But it's also very inexpensive to hire someone to do it. Buyers are turned off by gross grout so just fix it, and instantly win them over. Super simple!

Selling, buying, or investing in Florida real estate? Give me a Call/Text at (561) 644-0578 or email me at mrsdilemme@gmail.com It would be my absolute pleasure to assist you!

Christie Di Lemme
Florida Homes Realty & Mortgage

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