Episode 1764: Interior Castle - St Theresa - 3rd Masion

6 months ago

Interior Castle: Third Mansion
I am trying very hard to get through the 1st Masion to the second let alone the third, but I must finish these great writings by St Teresa because you may be navigating through the Castle into the Mansions and so my requirement is to teach and then go back and take the position “Physician heal thyself”. I will say that reading the writings of St Teresa and St John of the Cross that I must get better. I must be more committed. I must stop back sliding. So please pray for me as I pray for all of you.
The third mansion in St. Teresa of Avila's "Interior Castle" marks a critical turning point in the soul's journey towards union with God. It is a period of intense purification, profound growth, and significant challenges mixed with deep graces. Here is a closer look:

Key Characteristics:
Deepening Purification: This mansion pushes the soul towards deeper levels of self-examination and purification. Hidden attachments and imperfections, previously overlooked, rise to the surface for conscious recognition and surrender.
St. Teresa of Avila's concept of "Deepening Purification" plays a pivotal role in her masterpiece, "The Interior Castle." It encapsulates a crucial stage in the soul's journey towards union with God, characterized by intense spiritual refinement and growth amidst challenges.

Entering the Crucible:
The third mansion of the Interior Castle symbolizes this "Deepening Purification." Imagine it as a fiery crucible where the soul undergoes intense transformation. Hidden imperfections and attachments come to light, demanding honest self-examination and surrender. This process can be uncomfortable, even painful, as we confront aspects of ourselves we would rather avoid.

Confronting the "Night of the Senses":
A key aspect of this purification is the "night of the senses." This period brings dryness and desolation in prayer, where previously enjoyed spiritual consolations fade. It can feel like God has abandoned us, leaving us in a desert of aridity. However, St. Teresa emphasizes that this dryness is not a sign of God's displeasure, but rather a necessary stage in deepening our reliance on His grace.

Growing in Fear and Humility:
This period also cultivates a profound "fear of God." This is not a fearful terror, but a reverential awe and recognition of God's infinite holiness and majesty. It fosters humility and strengthens our dependence on Him as our sole source of strength and comfort.

Love Transformed:
Despite the challenges, "Deepening Purification" ultimately leads to a deeper, more mature love for God. This love is no longer based on seeking spiritual consolations or earthly comforts, but on a pure desire for God Himself. It is a love that thrives in dryness and darkness, fueled by unwavering faith and surrender.

Navigating the Journey:
St. Teresa offers invaluable guidance for navigating this challenging yet transformative stage. She emphasizes the importance of:

Persistence in Prayer: Even when prayer feels dry and unproductive, persevere. It is during these times that our trust and reliance on God are truly tested and strengthened.
Humility and Self-Surrender: Acknowledge your weaknesses and limitations, and surrender completely to God's purifying work.
Seeking Spiritual Guidance: Surround yourself with wise spiritual mentors who can offer support and encouragement during this challenging phase.
Emerging Stronger:
Emerging from the crucible of "Deepening Purification," the soul is transformed. It becomes more refined, resilient, and capable of experiencing a deeper intimacy with God. This stage lays the foundation for the ultimate goal of the journey – the blissful union with God in the seventh mansion.
Remember, "Deepening Purification" is a gift, not a punishment. It is a transformative process that, while challenging, ultimately leads to a closer, more fulfilling relationship with God. Embrace the journey with faith and trust, and allow yourself to be refined by the purifying fire of His love.
Fear of God: This is not a terrified panic, but a reverential awe and profound realization of God's holiness and majesty. It fosters humility and deepens the soul's dependence on God.
Spiritual Dryness: The third mansion often brings a noticeable "night of the senses," where consolations in prayer fade, and feelings of desolation may dominate. This aridity aims to purify the soul's motives and strengthen its reliance on God's grace.
St. Teresa of Avila experienced and wrote extensively about what she called "spiritual dryness," also known as desolation or aridity. Here are some key insights from her writings:

Understanding Dryness:
She distinguishes dryness from true spiritual darkness, emphasizing it as a lack of emotional consolations and spiritual sweetness in prayer.
Dryness is not a sign of God's displeasure, but a natural phase in the spiritual journey, often occurring during periods of deeper purification and growth.
It can feel like God has abandoned us, leaving us in a desert devoid of spiritual joy.
Causes of Dryness:

St. Teresa attributes dryness to various factors, including:
Purification: God may allow dryness to expose and remove hidden attachments and imperfections from our soul.
Testing our faith: Dryness tests our perseverance and strengthens our dependence on God's grace.
Preparing for deeper graces: Sometimes, dryness precedes a period of profound spiritual growth and consolation.
Coping with Dryness:
Persistence in Prayer: St. Teresa urges enduring in prayer even when it feels dry and unproductive. Our love for God should not rely on emotional consolations.
Humility and Surrender: Acknowledge our limitations and surrender completely to God's purifying work, trusting His plan, even in darkness.
Seeking Spiritual Guidance: Surround yourself with wise mentors who can offer support and encouragement during this challenging phase.
Benefits of Dryness:

While challenging, dryness can bring significant benefits:
Deeper Purification: It strips away attachments and refines our love for God, becoming less reliant on earthly comforts.
Growth in Humility: We learn to rely solely on God's grace and recognize our true dependence on Him.
Strengthened Faith: Perseverance in dryness strengthens our faith and trust in God's goodness, even in darkness.
St. Teresa's Quotes:

"Do not be concerned, daughters, if this happens to you; for it is by no means a bad sign, but rather a good one. The Lord knows you are strong enough to bear His cross." (The Way of Perfection, Chapter 13)
"Just as the gardener cannot water his garden without first making ditches to carry the water to the roots of the plants, so the Lord, in order to draw the water of His grace to our souls, often makes in them these ditches of tribulation and aridity." (The Interior Castle, Chapter 1, Mansion 3)
"Let us not judge dryness of devotion to be spiritual darkness, for they are very different things. Dryness is caused by the body, whereas darkness is caused by the soul." (The Interior Castle, Chapter 15, Mansion 7)
Key Takeaways:

Spiritual dryness is a normal part of the spiritual journey, not a sign of failure.
It serves a purpose in purifying our soul and strengthening our faith.
Perseverance in prayer, humility, and seeking guidance are crucial in navigating dryness.
Dryness can ultimately lead to deeper intimacy with God.
By understanding St. Teresa's insights on spiritual dryness, you can find strength and encouragement if you are experiencing this challenge yourself. Remember, it is a temporary phase, and your faith will emerge stronger on the other side.
Growing Love for God: Despite the challenges, love for God deepens considerably in this mansion. The soul moves from seeking earthly comforts in prayer to finding joy purely in God's presence.
Important Points:
The third mansion is not meant to be an easy or comfortable stage, but it is crucial for spiritual progress. Difficulties like the "night of the senses" and aridity serve to detach the soul from worldly things and intensify its longing for God.
St. Teresa emphasizes perseverance and humility as essential virtues throughout this period. Trusting in God's grace and persisting in prayer, even when challenging, are vital for reaching the next level.
The third mansion signifies a major shift in the soul's relationship with God. It shifts from relying on consolations and seeking experiences to a deeper surrender and trust, where love for God becomes the driving force.

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