Vax Injured - Please read description

1 year ago

They didn’t warn those with autoimmune diseases that vaccines can trigger/make them worse.

“I was just following doctor’s orders and government mandates.”

”I have Rheumatoid arthritis & amp; the bones in my legs were sore for weeks. They finally told me why.”

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My own opinion that I can add to the above is that ALL of the anons who have worked so damn hard for years will always be there for those who have realised they fcuked up. What people need to realise is those who run the world are psychopaths, pedophiles, pedovors, and extremely satanic, and you MUST wake the fcuk up and accept that. Big Pharma is and always has worked in harmony with the WHO, and all the other NGOs and Governments, most governments are OWNED by the Corporatocracy. So here's the deal.... No Doctor will ask what your diet consists of, they will not talk vitamins, or natural remedies because many are BOUGHT by the lucrative financial handouts they get from Big Pharma. Doctors were given financial incentives to vaccinate, and they lost such incentives if their quota target was not met. Many Doctors are freemasons, the freemasons are SATANIC, and heavily involved in pedophilia but the gullible idiots who join do not know that when they enter the venus flytrap. The objective of Big Pharma in the words of a female whistleblower who had a top job is to "maintain diseases and manage symptoms". Big Pharma and their Godless, soulless Doctors will have no problem lying to your face and breaking their hippocratic oath if they profit from it because they believe they're protected from prosecution (WATCH THIS SPACE...because they WILL be held accountable). The Doctors who sold their souls will pass the Milgram Experiment (research it), and they will cause harm to others providing they're told to do so by an authority figure/governing body. The vaccines CAUSE ILLNESSES, that is why they are laced with aborted foetal tissue, HIV spike proteins, graphene oxide, graphene hydroxide, aluminium, mercury, and a lot more. Doctors give medication NOT to cure but to mask the symptoms. Problem-Reaction-Solution repeat continually. The Covid PLANdemic was a problem the satanic cabal created, the public as always created the emotion reaction that then triggered the cabal's solution. So the cv-19 jab was unleashed, it was planned many years ago please understand that. So people like this lady goes and gets the jabs, her innate immune system gets fcuked and as we were saying in mid 2020, months before the max rollout that the jab would cause auto-immune diseases (Vaccine Induced AIDS or VAIDS) such as cancers, and also auto-inflammatory diseases such as myocarditis. So this lady had the jabs and in her case her condition was made far worse. What cause her condition in the first place was probably caused by "creams" or other bullshit products pushed by the likes of all big pharma companies. This lady, like millions of others were then told "no, it wasn't the vaccine" (it was) but as RFK Jr said, the really big money isn't made on profits from harmful and deadly vaccines but from the lifetime supply of drugs used to mask the symptoms of the injuries sustained by taking vaccines. Why do the doctors and big pharma do this? because they are sick really have to look with the eyes of a psychopath. The want you ill, fat, and in poverty. The cabal has made it very clear they want to depopulate the people or "useless eaters" to 500 million. I have posted a leaked video from the 1994 meeting in cairo on my channel, watch it and listen, it's just a couple of minutes long. The Georgia Guidestones was destroyed in the summer of 2022 (research them and what was written on the top line). The cabal were desperate to depopulate to 500 million, covid shots had fast kill that killed within 2 weeks, some were slow kill that nibbled away your innate immune system, they also sterilise as 70% of spike proteins were found in ovaries of women. Those who survive would then by controlled through mind-control (research 'transhumanism' patent number: WO2020/060606 A1). The cabal were hell bent to bring in the New World Order which was global communism.

As for this lady in the video, stay strong...justice and cures are coming. There are many anons out there willing to help those who need help.

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