Jan. 3 Indictment Shows Miles Guo's Criminal and Bankruptcy Cases Exhibit High Overlap

6 months ago

01/06/2024 【Miles’ Insight】In Document 219, Mr. Miles Guo's lawyers point out that the January 3 indictment reveals no distinction between the subject matter of this case and the bankruptcy case. The indictment suggests that the bankruptcy application itself was alleged to further the government's purported schemes, and the “enterprise” the government relies on includes the 12 entities from the bankruptcy case. Additionally, the Trustee is currently seeking to administer the previously seized funds of Himalaya Exchange. All of this indicates a high degree of overlap between the two cases.
01/06/2024 【Nicole看七哥】在再次申请暂缓破产案的219号文件中,郭先生的律师指出:1月3号最新的起诉书显示,本案标的与破产案之间毫无区别。起诉书称,申请破产本身就是为了促进政府所谓的阴谋,而政府所依赖的“企业”就包含了破产案中的12个实体。况且,受托人目前寻求接管之前政府扣押的喜交所资金。这一切都表明两个案件高度重合。

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