America is poor! Give up your pride!

5 months ago

America is a poor country. This is hidden by the immense useless pride that has a strangle hold on the country. Instead of accepting the lack of affordability of all things, Americans take out debt and become even poorer as a result.

America is a poor country there is no sense in hiding it. I, my self, have put fresh duct tape on my trousers which are many years old and have rips due to their age. New trousers are a luxury not affordable. Money must be spent on more pressing expenses, not new clothes.

America is not free, not rich, and not democratic. Everything Boomers hold up as the bounty and largest of the USA and America is a fraud. They are lairs and they are brainwashed. Their condition is sad, but worse is the conditions they force on others though their extreme ignorance and miss-placed pride.

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