Miles Guo Continues to Ask Prosecution to Disclose Brady Evidence in His Favor

6 months ago

01/06/2024 【Miles’ Insight】Nicole introduces Documents 212 and 213: In Document 212, the lawyer representing Himalaya Exchange clients informs the judge that the number of clients has reached 5,242. In Document 213, Mr. Miles Guo's defense team continues to request the prosecution to disclose Brady Evidence favorable to Mr. Miles Guo and his fellow dissidents in the New Federal State of China.
01/06/2024 【Nicole看七哥】妮可介绍212、213号文件:在212号文件中,代表喜交所客户的律师告知法官,客户的数量已经达到5242人;213号文件中,郭文贵先生的律师团继续要求检方出示对郭先生及新中国联邦战友有利的布雷迪证据。

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