Article 4560 Video - Dave Hodges is Making a Common Mistake By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Article 4560 Video - Dave Hodges is Making a Common Mistake - Sunday, December 24, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Can you tell what it is?

He is mistaking "the US, Incorporated" for America.

Listen to this Rumble Report posted below with that factoid firmly lodged in your brain --and repeat if necessary: the US, Incorporated, is not America, and therefore, the US, Incorporated, debt, is not American debt:

The US, Incorporated, under whatever similar and related names, including but not limited to the White House Office, Inc., that provides Joe Biden with his office as "a" President, has accumulated $18 Trillion in debt, with $9Trillion of that in the past two years of the Biden Administration. LOL.

Dave Hodges is very concerned about this and he thinks that you should be very concerned, too --- and you should, if you are a Federal Employee, because all this debt has been run up in your names, betting that the Scum-In-Charge will be able to foist off their bankruptcy on you and then, when you are all bankrupt, on the American Public one more time.

It's "Play It Again, Sam" time.

These crooks are so indoctrinated they don't even know when they've been caught.

An arrest team will have to roll up to their front doors before they get the message.

The banks that have been lending Uncle Joe all this credit -- credit belonging to Federal Employees -- will be so distressed when they realize that this time, they are taking it in the shorts instead of the long-suffering Americans.

The Americans (except Dave Hodges and some other well-intentioned folks who haven't yet heard the news) woke up. Guess what?

We never authorized a Probate Court to exist in this country. That means we didn't authorize any Bankruptcy Courts, either. And that means that absolutely none of this folderol applies to us.

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