Article 4557 Video - The Lose the Name Cult - An Answer to RL By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Article 4557 Video - The Lose the Name Cult - An Answer to RL - Saturday, December 23, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

One of the central fraud schemes used against the living people is based on the fact that your Lawful Name (on the land) looks exactly like your Legal Name (on the sea) in international jurisdiction.

It's easy to mistake one for the other, or pass one off as the other.

It was discovered many years ago that shortly after our parents choose a name for us, the British Crown issues a franchise in that name.

Using myself as an example, I was born on June 6th 1956 and my parents created the Lawful Given Name ---that is, the Lawful Person known as "Anna Maria Riezinger" --- for my use. This is also known as my Good Name.

Three weeks later, on June 24th 1956 the British Crown franchise operated as the State of Wisconsin published the name of a Legal Person franchise also named "Anna Maria Riezinger".

My Lawful Person exists and is mine and it predates the British Crown Legal Person by three weeks.

My Lawful Person was recorded by my parents in the Family Bible and in the local newspapers. The Legal Person was registered by the British Crown Corp almost three weeks later.

They were allowed to create a British Territorial Legal Person without my knowledge or permission based on treaty provisions making the British Monarch my Trustee on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways.

They had, of course, conveniently presumed that, in the "absence" of our Lawful Government being in Session, the British Monarch would serve as my Guardian and that I would be reduced to the role of a "Ward of the State" until our Lawful Government came back into Session and my Lawful Person was recognizably standing on the land and soil.

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