JJ Couey of Gigaohm Biological on HOW the 'Pandemic' Was Created

7 months ago

It appears that as the covid 'crisis' has progressed (we are now 4 years into it) that the widely accepted narrative, which has evolved is that covid was created in a lab, a Chinese lab. It escaped by accident or on purpose and started spreading rapidly throughout the globe. infecting, adapting and killing and maiming millions of people. Does that sound about right?

Well what if I was to put another hypothesis to you that challenges this narrative to its very core. Let's call it the Couey Scooby-Doo Hypothesis and it explains so may critical elements of the 'pandemic' that have largely been overlooked or purposely portrayed in such a way by the MSM, social media influencers and our establishment overlords so that we have been blinded to it.

I urge you to spend 15 minutes with an open mind to think about the the Couey Scooby-Doo Hypothesis

BE WARNED: This video may change and tip up, all of the covid related conventions we've been programmed to accept as fact.

More to come:
- The WHY
- How we get out of this
- Their tactics laid bare with the actors

The Pyramid of Nonsense (Bret on Tucker) --(6 Jan 2024)-- Gigaohm Biological High Resistance Low Noise Information Brief


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