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The Glory of the Lord for 2024

1 year ago

The Glory of the Lord for 2024
The Glory (Isaiah 60) the pure creative force of the Lord is this radiant "Glow" of the
Spirit Man (within) Emanating from all purified believers .
(Healing , casting out the demonic, is all facilitated by the Glory (the light force) that
is emanating from the Lord and as 'born again' Christians we can 'reflect' that Glory
by being 'clothed' and 'abiding' in Christ (and his anointing) .
The demonic recognize the anointing of Jesus and healing is in this (life force).
so as you build your relationship with the Lord the (life force or Glory) builds
in energy potential to various levels .
Remember the Lord 'prayed all night' before walking on water .
In other words he 'transfigured' himself into the 4th dimension (the Spirit realm)
where the apostles 'thought he was a Ghost ' as they saw him walking on water .
There is a lot to understanding this but from a practical point of view this is how to build and reflect the Glory of the lord .
1) no unconfessed Sin (1 John 1:9)
2)Pray in tongues 2-4 hrs per day = communicating with the lord (spirit to spirit) and recharging your spirit (electrical potential builds)
3)read listen to the Word (faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God ) Rom 10:17 (Faith is strengthened)
4) Base yourself in a 'spirit filled ' church (for the corporate anointing and flow on )

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