Jan 2024: German farmers protest the destructive Global warming hoax (See Description)

1 year ago

Jan 2024: German farmers protest the destructive Global warming hoax forced on them designed to destroy their livelihoods so the globalists can usher in their fake food industry.. The German farmers are demanding the government withdraw plans to abolish agricultural diesel and vehicle tax exemptions designed to curb farming and agricultural development using the obvious hoaxes 'Global warming' and 'climate change' as the pretext. German farmers blocked a jetty in Schlüttsiel in the state of Schleswig-Holstein which had Green Party's Robert Habeck who is also Economy Minister on board.. but despite the government's backtracking on policies, they're taking no chances and no signs of slowing down their protests because of the severe mistrust towards their government especially because of the depopulation plandemic agenda and the ongoing covid vaccine holocaust. They also dump manure in the roads in Stuttgart.. The mainstream media pretend it's not happening! This taxation on agricultural fuel on top of additional EU 'green taxes' is killing their businesses and livelihoods and Suicide amongst farmers is rife..

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