Becoming who God means for you to be by recieving the Epiphany and accepting the Holy Gospel-1/7/24

11 months ago

For the Sunday within the Octave of the Epiphany, Fr. Stanislaus explains the teaching of St. Paul in regards to offering ourselves in the hope of submitting to God's holy will in this life. As we continue to celebrate His birth into the world in this Epiphanytide, Father teaches how we must use what St. Paul teaches to understand the Holy Gospel. Rather than "perverting" the truth as suggested by some in the modern Church (Hey Tucho!...

• Hey Tucho! Hey JimmySJ! You cannot pr... ) we can understand whom God has always intended by "recieiving" rather than immediatly "asking". If anyone wishes to truly understand whom God made you to be, it cn only be done by recieivng the message of the Epiphany and accepting the Holy Gospel.
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