Do You Even History, Bro?! Liz Cheney Schooled After Raging At Trump Over The Civil War And Oof

1 year ago

Liz Cheney has made such a mockery of herself over the past few years that we almost have to wonder if this was some sort of 4D Level Chess she worked out with Trump to somehow help him win the nomination in 2024. She has gone from one of his most dedicated supporters (having voted with him 93% of the time) to being some unhinged, emotional nutjob watching his every move so she can complain about him on social media in hopes of entertaining her newfound 'fans' on the Left who actually still don't like her BUT tolerate her because Trump bad. It would be sad if she hadn't done this all to herself. Now we just point and laugh. -- Liz Cheney @Liz_Cheney: “Which part of the Civil War “could have been negotiated”? The slavery part? The secession part? Whether Lincoln should have preserved the Union? Question for members of the GOP—the party of Lincoln—who have endorsed Donald Trump: How can you possibly defend this?”

Liz sat on a committee handpicked by Nancy Pelosi and helped the government punish Americans for protesting… and she thinks she has any place lecturing any other member of the GOP about what they support? Sit all the way down, Liz. 300,000 people voted you out of office in a small state of Wyoming; you're irrelevant. Doesn’t matter the war or when the war was. A Cheney will find a way to profit from more war. -- Short, but it works. Read a history book sometime Liz. Lincoln said he would have taken any position on slavery to preserve the union. Sounds like an effort at negotiation to me. Lincoln thought he could negotiate it. He tried. It’s called the compromise of 1850. It didn’t work. Gosh, who knew? I'm not sure it's worth going that deep on his statement. It is when you're Liz Cheney and looking for any reason to go after and attack Trump because that's all you know how to do these days and the only way anyone pays attention to you..
• More at: Twitchy - Do You Even History, BRO?! Liz Cheney SCHOOLED After Raging at Trump Over the Civil War and OOF

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