Military Minute 7 Jan 24

8 months ago

Welcome back to Your Military Minute.

The US Army has lost a couple of HMMVVs in North Carolina and Texas. Have no fear, CID (Crime Isn't Detected) is here! They are using cutting edge modern technology by quietly posting wanted posters on their social media!

The Australian Defense Forces (ADF) are facing the same recruiting crisis the US is. The government is considering allowing non citizens to enlist. Probably a good bet we share some root causes for the shortage.,can%20grow%20our%20Defence%20Force.

Meanwhile after the SECDEF sounded the panic alarm over white supremacists amongst the ranks a couple of years ago, a study commissioned by the DoD just came out. Turns out there isn't an issue amongst the ranks. It does point the finger at veterans as being at risk of being radicalized. I'm sure there are corners of the FBI rejoicing at veterans be categorized as a threat.

Final word ladies and gents. Don't add to the population and don't subtract from it while on libo.

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