Volcanic Lava Rock Forest to RUSTIC Edison Log Cabin Shelter! | 4K Winter Snow Hiking Central Oregon

1 year ago

This was a Day-Hike in Central Oregon, Deschutes National Forest near Mount Bachelor, starting at Edison Sno-Park and hiking Long Snowshoe Loop and parts of Tesla Snowshoe Loop ultimately to Rustic Edison Log Cabin Shelter.

This was hiked on 12/9/21, and due to the lack of snow accumulation because of La Nina causing a later start to the snow season than normal, it was not necessary to deploy snowshoes and trekking poles. This did allow for a special opportunity to see the transition from summer forest to winter forest in real time! The typically passable direction/route of the snowshoe trail hike was heavily impacted and not navigable in sections, so this was hiked as a meandering classic boot-packing forest hike in the light dusting of snow. Weather was well below freezing, temperature was 21F with wind chill down to 13F with minor to heavy snow flurries, occasional bouts of biting wind, and some periods of calm. The sky was mostly overcast but the sun came out near the end, and there were of course NO Mosquitoes. As far as road conditions, it's highway to the Edison Sno-Park parking lot which is in great condition. In my opinion, the road DOES NOT require 4-Wheel Drive, however do watch for road conditions as far as snow/ice and plan accordingly, and do so at your own risk!

*****UPDATE - PLEASE NOTE***** - This was hiked on 12/9/21, as of the 2023/2024 Winter Season, Edison Log Cabin Shelter is CLOSED due to structural integrity issues and safety concerns. It is unknown at this time if it is a temporary closure to repair the shelter or if it is a permanent closure.

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