Action Radio 1/8/24, J6, the Reichstag Fire of the Deep State Coup!

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As I said last week on the show, every J6 after an election is a mandatory certification hearing where challenges to the elector count can be brought. It takes one Rep and Senator to start the challenge.

There are seven "battleground" states which sent two slates of electors to Congress, one Brandon, usually from the governors and secretaries of state, and Trump electors from the state legislatures. Since state legislatures have the constitutional authority, Congress should have certified the Trump electors over Brandon, and it would all have been over, including the Coup.

J6 was just another phase of the Coup as I prove by describing all the phases in this article:

After stealing the election the Coup in order to keep power had to steal the certification as well. It's no coincidence that the FBI operatives disrupted Congress and stopped the challenge at the very first battleground state alphabetically -- Arizona.


Action Radio Show Schedule: AM Central Time -- Monday:
7:00 - Special guest and fellow show host, "Duke" Brooks.
8:00 - The Legal Report, with Jonathon Moseley.
9:00 - Sex and Sensuality, with Dorothy Diana.


* After the show these times convert to the first hour, second hour, and third hour, of the podcast.

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