Rob McConnell Interviews - GLORIA PREMA - Science, Spirituality : It's All Light

1 year ago

It's All Light : Gloria Prema is an author, educator and therapist. Her publication of 'It's All Light - the Morphic Resonance of Light: a Unified Theory' in 2009 and recently the condensed Kindle version 'How to be spiritual - and understand quantum physics at the same time' have simplified and unified, not only the laws of physics, but have also unified these with spirituality. She has truly come up with the Grand Unified Theory. She has been a therapist for over 20 years in natural healing and, in recent years, in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). She began her formal scientific studies while raising her children, going on to earn a Bachelor of Science degree from the UK's Open University. The continuous study of science, particularly quantum theory, since 1991, and the continuous study and practice of spiritual experiences, which began occurring around the same time, eventually led to the unified theory, presented in 'It's All Light', being born. For the 17 years it took to write the book she had one foot in both camps, as it were. She is an avid student of esoteric philosophy, and believes that the split between science and spirituality is false and that by the use of simple physics, presented in layman's terms, so-called spiritual phenomena, such as healing effects, including distant healing, telepathy, near-death experiences, clairvoyance and many others can be explained She believes it is time now for these two diverse fields (science and spirituality) to come together for the betterment of all. It would not mean going back to pre-enlightenment days, which some scientists fear. We have evolved way beyond that and can now bring together the best of both fields. Both 'It's All Light' and 'How to be spiritual (and understand quantum physics at the same time) are written for the lay reader, in an easy to read format.

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