The Crossroads - Let's Play Dragon Age Inquisition Blind #5

1 year ago

#dragonage #dragonage3 #da3 #daiii #dragonageinquisition

My first trip to the Hinterlands. I'm here to get Mother Giselle out safety as the fighting between the mages and templars is putting her in danger. All the common folk they are hurting. Shame on them.

â–º Dragon Age: Origins playthrough:

â–º Dragon Age: II Ultimate Edition playthrough:

Hi, I'm Sahara. As an award-winning author, I just love playing fantasy RPG games that have rich storylines, quests galore, and where decisions make a difference. Sadly, I'm horrible at pronouncing foreign words, or even some English ones, so you'll have to bare with me as I stumble my way through the game. Sorry about that. 😂🤣

If you enjoy my gameplay, please subscribe to my channel. Thank you.

â–º Dragon Age: Inquisition

Developer: Bioware
Publisher: Electronic Arts

#biowaregames #electronicartsgames #bioware #electronicarts
#dragonage3 #femalegamer #oldgamer #realtimecombat

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