More unseen Jan 6th footage

7 months ago

When Jan 6th took place we knew day one it was a set up. But I was banned on all the big platforms so I could not get the true story out. Now thanks to @elonmusk creating X and freeing the people the truth is coming out. . @JackPosobiec was one of the only people to get the truth out at the time and I am very thankful to him. Despite the video of me trying to stop people from going in to the capital the DOJ still tried to indite me. The evil leftist in charge of Twitter at the time would pull the video when others posted it. They did that to hundreds of other videos showing that the Feds ran the attack!

All anons will know the insane amount of fascism we have endured over the years, deleted posts, shadow-banning, threats, intimidation, being deplatformed time and time again.

“The Patriot - In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot” - Mark Twain

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