027 Flooded

1 year ago

Flooded world - a vaccuous WEF insider masquerading as PM, Nottinghamshire floods and a swollen river.

In this episode, recorded on 5th January, 2024, I take a short ramble along the Nottingham Canal to the River Trent to see the extent of the recent flooding that has occurred. I begin by considering how Rishi Sunak is a soul-less WEF insider, as exemplified by his cringeworthy Christmas ‘Home Alone’ skit and his recent visit to Nottinghmashire, where amongst the aged Young Conservatives at the youth centre location was the Criminal Commissioner for Notts Police The UK Gov has been captured by foreign agencies. The foreigners who have infiltrated the UK State are many and each has been placed there by the overlords of the World Economic Forum (WEF) . What’s the point of skateboarding? The river Trent reached its highest level since the year 2000 when it was 5.5m above its usual height.

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