"28 Days Later" (2002) Directed by Danny Boyle

1 year ago

“OK Jim, I’ve got some bad news”.

With no opening titles, the film immediately begins with a portent of things to come (both in terms of the film and in Danny Boyle’s directorial expertise) with frenetically edited footage of riots and destruction around the world, and of chaos and mass societal breakdown. There are numerous television screens all showing the same footage and as the camera pulls back we see a chimpanzee connected to these multiple screens via electrodes attached to his head. Three animal rights activists break into the secure facility housing this chimpanzee and a number of others but are warned not to free them. They are infected with the “rage” virus and when subsequently freed, they wreck a bloody and rage fuelled revenge.

We cut to a simple slide which notes: “28 days later”.

There is a close up shot of an eyeball and the faint sound of a person breathing before we cut to an overhead shot of a naked man in a hospital bed attached to various tubes. We cut to another close up, this time on the man’s face as he slowly awakens and begins disconnecting the tubes. He now peers through the blinds of the window into the dishevelled and untidy corridor outside of his door, which he opens with a key he finds on the floor. He shouts a faint “Hello” before we cut to the same man, now dressed in a green hospital gown as he stumbles around the eerily silent and empty hospital building. He repeats a faint “Hello” before trying the telephones but they clearly aren’t working and he now shouts a more distressed and anguished “HELLO”. After leaving the hospital building we cut to two shots of the distressed man, one from below and a second from above, with the stationary white ambulances starkly juxtaposed against the matchstick figure in green.

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The above opening paragraphs are taken from my original spoiler free review of "28 Days Later" penned and published over a decade ago, transferred to my Medium blog site on 30th December 2022 and which can now be read in full and for free via my Substack blog site and original updated article linked immediately below. I have also linked my original blog article on the career of director Danny Boyle below too:



This spoiler free review is also integral and contained within my 7 volumes of "essential film reviews collection". Currently only available as an e-book, each volume of exhaustive and numerous film reviews are priced at £4.99 however should you have an Amazon Kindle "Unlimited" package, each and every volume can be read for free:



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