"Trance" (2013) Directed by Danny Boyle

1 year ago

“Do you want to remember? Or, do you want to forget?”.

What struck me immediately on seeing Danny Boyle’s 10th film to date is that it’s very much a film of the new decade and reflective of the 21st Century. Trance is visually and aurally slick, glossy and frenetically edited which propels an intriguing tale through it’s 101 minute running time that is always engaging and intriguing it’s audience. And lest we forget a plot twist that is almost, almost, on a par with Boyle’s first film Shallow Grave and that is very high praise indeed. Trance is visually stunning at times and combines many Danny Boyle touchstones that have made him one of Hollywood’s most sought after directors: multi layered and engaging characters, an intriguing psychological thriller narrative that twists back and forth but never loses it’s audience, a modern and upbeat soundtrack, a sprinkling of dark humour and a narration from the film’s main character that almost implores you to look closer, deeper and far beyond what is presented on the surface.

“Simon” (James McAvoy) is a young art auctioneer who is professional and diligent yet deeply in debt, principally to “Franck” (Vincent Cassel) who in the film’s opening scene cashes in that debt by stealing Goya’s “Witches in the Air”. Franck is aided by fellow criminals “Nate” (Danny Sapani), “Dominic” (Matt Cross) and “Riz” (Wahab Sheikh). Their job is complete and Simon’s debt is paid. Or is it? Again, the film’s opening narration with it’s telling statement “No piece of art is worth a human life” and it’s clever use of “To Camera” narration from Simon (including him simply staring silently straight at the camera or with a half smile) challenges the audience to think again and to look much, much closer.

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The above opening paragraphs are taken from my spoiler free review of "Trance" originally penned and published over a decade ago, transferred to my Medium blog site on 8th January 2023 and which can now be read in full and for free via my Substack blog site and original updated article linked immediately below. I've also linked my original opus blog article on the career of director Danny Boyle too:



This spoiler free review is also integral and contained within my 7 volumes of "essential film reviews collection". Currently only available via e-book with each volume priced at £4.99, however should you have an Amazon Kindle "Unlimited" package, you can read each and every volume for free:



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