1 year ago

PEOPLE DON'T TRUST WEF GLOBALIST CLOT SHOT DOCTORS ANYMORE... GOING TO HOLISTIC NATURALIST DOCTORS INSTEAD! Globalist control doctors worldwide through the W.H.O. that then moves through agencies such as the CDC and the AMA. Doctors and hospital administrators who followed their depopulation agenda were financially incentivized. They also were incentivized for carrying out the 'Death Protocol' of highly toxic Remdesivir and Ventilators which killed folks within days.

The thing that finally woke people up is seeing family and friends injured or killed by these depopulation proceedures of the WEF. I have talked to many people in public and on my street. I heard horror stories of people dying or injured either immediately or even months and in some cases year or more after they were injected. It depends on the ingredients of that particular injection.

Dr. Elbaz is one of the good doctors... and speaks on how to get better if you have been injected with these bioweapon injections.

May God bless you and keep you and make His face shine upon you.

Much Love in Christ,

P.S. For those who were vaccinated and for those who have been shed upon by the vaccinated transfection of the toxic hydrogels and spike proteins... your blood may be clotting. Try to drink a glass of real lemon juice with water (not tap water because it most likely has graphene hyroxide in it). Also sprinkle your food or soup with a little cayenne pepper (just a little), turmeric, or garlic... or put it in a tall glass of water and drink it.

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