Trump and Bill Gates Do Not allow 5G Near Their Homes

1 year ago

Two jab killers in the same pod or the same town. Funny how the jabs and 5 G is good for everyone but them.

Trump was pro federal 5G, but not by his house, just yours and mine.

There is no way in hell that Trump is the one person in this world who all the countries capitulated to because he had blackmail on them. A 100% No. I have read some comments of people saying this and it’s time to snap out that dream.

Trump was Anti-Vax until he became president. Then he attacked Biden as being Anti-Vax, what a double faced liar.

Before he was elected he said he had NEVER taken a Vaccine as he doesn’t want to put Bad Stuff in his body.

After he was president, he was telling everyone to get the shots and to how it is saving the world.

Who was still working in the Lockdowns when everyone else was not and locked in their homes watching the greatest propaganda show on Earth?

The people installing the 5 G towers. They were hard at work. Even the inside of their boxes said COV-19 but were made years in advance. Just a coincidence I suppose.

***Trump -- “I've NEVER had a Flu Shot and I Don't get the Flu – I don’t like injecting BAD STUFF”

***Trump – Things that People Don’t Want to Talk About

***Marina Abramovic – Calls Trump a Magician of the Highest Order

***Trump is the Head of the Snake - the Messianic Cult – They are the Chabad

***Catherine Austin Fitts – Trump put $10 Billion Dollars into a Program to Depopulate the US

***Trump – “The Vaccine is one of the Greatest Achievements of Mankind” – The Candace Owen Interview

Trump Warns Biden about his Anti-Vax Theories

***Central Bank Digital Currency - (CBDC) – is Code for (CSRQ) – Common Sovereign Restricted Quarantine

THE TRUMP BLOODLINE – Ashkenazi – Jew – Annunaki – Zionist – Freemason Connection

Trump's Pedophile Connections

Trump & Jared Kushner Exposed as Zionist Puppets

Why didn't Trump pardon Julian Assange?

Is there a Chabad connection with the Trump Family??

Jared Kushner’s entire family and Trump’s daughter is Chabad.

Chabad HATES Christians and Gentiles, they think of them as Goyim and believe they should be enslaved. I really don't think people understand just how much they hate Christians.

Remember the pictures of Trump in Israel praying at the wall with the Kippah - Yamaka Jewish hat?

Do Christians even know what this symbolism means? He sure wasn't praying in the name of Jesus Christ. You cannot even say that word in Israel and especially around Netanyahu.

Connect some dots here on Trump and his family.

The very first person that Trump should of pardoned on Day 1 was Julian Assange. It was his information that Trump ran against Hillary. All that “Lock her up” bullshit.
He didn’t do a damn thing or hardly say anything after the election. In fact he complimented her on several occasions, but how quickly people forget.

Who is one that he did pardon?

Rabbi Sholom Rubashkin, a G-eewww who owns a meat processing plant – Agriprocessors in Iowa that has $300 million annual income.

The guy is all about pleasing his very wealthy friends and screwing people like Julian Assange, the most Anti-Cabal person I can think of.

The criminal Rabbi Sholom Rubashkin still had 19 years left in his sentence. His company was affiliated with rape, sexual abuse, animal abuse and all kinds of fraud.

The man who actually persuaded Trump to pardon Sholom Rubashkin was none other than one of Trump’s lawyers, Alan Dershowitz - the very person who got caught plagiarizing and then got away with it. The person who was around Epstein frequently (as was Trump, 26 times on the Lolita Express). Dershowitz—get this—brought up the issue of “anti-Semitism” in Rubashkin’s case.

There is NO such thing as America first with Trump, it is Israel first.

He is a puppet traitor just like Bush’s, Clintons, Obama’s and Biden’s.

Christian Zionists – the churches who have been 100% infiltrated are acting as an arm of the propaganda machine pumping Trump up.

Then they have Alex Jones – who flat out admitted he comes from a family that is high level Illuminati, say that Trump did such a great job. Alex is another one who has most fooled.

They have these people do their truth disclosure for them as they believe they must tell us what is happening to avoid bad karma and then they use the same people as a tool for their narrative, in this case to make it appear Trump was the greatest president ever.

Other alternative sleepers are Tucker Carlson, and that idiot Russell Brand, many, many more, it is usually the ones who have 100,000 or more followers.

END. 1/6/2023

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