| Empowering Financial Freedom with Fisher Capital | America Fest 2023

4 months ago

In this episode of "The Perkins Report," host welcomes special guests from Fisher Capital, Tyler and Parker, live at America Fest 2023. Fisher Capital is the diamond sponsor of the event and aims to address the influence of the liberal agenda in the finance industry. They emphasize the importance of focusing on financial security, especially for retirees who are concerned about the future of their investments.

Parker Elman, one of the vice presidents at Fisher Capital, highlights their mission to help Americans take control of their finances by moving away from traditional investment methods. They advocate for investing in physical assets like gold and silver to provide stability and peace of mind. Fisher Capital assists clients in transitioning their retirement funds out of the market into tax-free, penalty-free, and fee-free positions.

Tyler emphasizes the need for Americans to be proactive about their financial futures and avoid relying solely on the government or financial institutions. Fisher Capital encourages education as a powerful tool and invites viewers to visit their website at for more information on their services.

Overall, Fisher Capital seeks to empower individuals to take ownership of their financial well-being in a time when economic uncertainty prevails. They provide valuable insights and options to help viewers secure their financial futures.

Host: Leticia Victoria Perkins
Award-Winning Executive Producer: Eric Williamson
Sound Engineer: Steve Palmer

Support The Perkins Report via cashapp: $MsPerkin

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