What's It Going To Take

1 year ago

Joe Murray - Liberty Or Death - What's It Going To Take - Track 5

Produced By Joe Murray
Instrumental By Rudeskillz Beats


"These people are exterminating us folks, they're destroying our environment, they're polluting our ground water, they're spraying us with toxins, putting toxins in our food, doing everything they can to control and exterminate the human race".

Ayo for years I've watched the wolves corral the sheep
The pieces being moved while the world was asleep
A planet full of beings unaware of their power
As their hopes and their dreams disappear by the hour
I'd sit back and think to myself nah this can't be
Speak to ears that are def and eyes that can't see
As they scrap for survival, sell their souls for their salaries
No individuality, uniform personalities
Blinded from reality by their religious fallacies
Mistaken by equating morality with legality
Reluctant to take in the truth in its totality
And rather die clinging to the lie than change their minds
Remain blind regardless of what's exposed
Man they'll never understand just how deep this shit goes
How badly they've been fucked, the chains that they wear
It's hard to free fools from the chains they revere

"It's simply gotten to the point that the only thing that is stopping us responding to this is our failure to realize we are under attack".

Ayo what's it goin' to take
How much worse does it have to get
How much more in your face does it have to become for you to wake
How much further will you be pushed before you break and take a stand but by then it might be too late
The fuck is it goin' to take
How much more must we endure to further assure you that we are already at war
And government is the enemy of the people
The evil in our face
Guarding the gates of freedom
So tell me what's it going to take

I know you figure what's the point of talkin' when these sheep are not goin' to listen
A bunch of brain dead statist's with Stockholm Syndrome
But it's the ignorance and support of the throng for the system
That keeps others enslaved and locked in this prison
You see, people have no right to not understand rights and what the truth is
That's why my delivery's ruthless
Cus I'm through with this bullshit
It's our duty as humans to understand individual sovereignty, no excuses
Instead this foolish world rather be consumed with mindless entertainment and their selfish pursuance
As the same patterns reoccur and they don't come to a conclusion
And can't distinguish reality from illusion
Good doesn't always win, look around we're sadly losin'
Solely do to the fact that this is the world we're choosin'
And we can turn it all around the moment we wise up and rise up
The time is now or our time's up

Ayo what's it goin' to take
How much worse does it have to get
How much more in your face does it have to become for you to wake
How much further will you be pushed before you break and take a stand but by then it might be too late
The fuck is it goin' to take
How much more must we endure to further assure you that we are already at war
And government is the enemy of the people
The evil in our face
Guarding the gates of freedom
So tell me what's it going to take

"What people hold dear they were trained to hold dear to make them into slaves, to make them into agents of evil, to make them into cheerleaders for authoritarian domination and that's not ok and that's not what humanity is supposed to be. That's why I bash this. That's why I rail against it pretty much twenty four hours a day, because I know what humanity is supposed to be, because I can imagine a world of peace coexistence like we all can, and because I see what we have instead and it's evil and it's horrendous and it has to change. I bash authoritarianism because I love humanity. That is why I insult peoples bad beliefs. That is why I'm an anarchist".

Website - https://freedomforall.online

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