The Unprofitable Servant Luke 17:1-10 - RC Sproul

1 year ago

The Unprofitable Servant Luke 17:1-10 - RC Sproul

All that has been done to get me into the Kingdom of God is done by Christ. He and He alone is the profitable servant. We reap the benefits of His prophet. He takes the prophet that He has achieved and He pours it into my hands and now when I stand before God I've got everything. I've got the whole world. I've got perfect righteousness in my hand, but it's His. It's not mine. I don't add a cent to the profit that is won for me by Christ. What do we have to boast of before God? Let him who boasts, boast of the Lord we are told who fills us hand and foot with the righteousness of Jesus, so we bring nothing to this table of our own except our need. On the night in which He was betrayed the Apostle Paul said that Jesus took bread and when He had blessed it, He broke it and he said now this is my body which is given for you and after they supped, he took the cup, and He took and He said this is now the cup of a brand-new covenant. A covenant that is made in my blood which is shed for the remission of your sins. Drink it for as often as you eat it and drink it you show forth my death until I come, so come for that which is not bought with human money. He invites his people to come to His table to feast upon Him. He's here this morning to feed you, but He also warns that if you're not a believer then avoid this table like the plague because if you come not discerning His body you eat and drink under damnation. We live in a nation that hates exclusivity but this is an exclusive event for those who belong to Christ, for those who have repented of their sins, for those who have thrown away any pretense of earning their way into the Kingdom of God then come with nothing in their hands except His cross. - RC Sproul

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