NEW 06/01/2024 La pedofilia è una caratteristica della sinistra

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Newsletter di Clandestine

Trump è il nemico #1 di Epstein

6 GENNAIO 2024
Per coloro che non hanno capito l'affiliazione di Trump con Epstein, permettetemi di spiegare.

Trump è colui che ha smascherato Epstein nel 2008, ecco perché tutta Washington lo teme. Trump è il nemico #1 di Epstein.

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Epstein stava conducendo un'operazione di ricatto. Stava cercando le persone più potenti della Terra, per comprometterle e controllarle. Ha cercato di prendere Trump, ma Trump non ha morso.

Trump ha bandito Epstein dalle sue proprietà nel 2008, per aver picchiato la figlia adolescente di un membro del club di Mar-a-Lago. Poi, un paio di mesi dopo, Epstein si è dichiarato colpevole di accuse penali statali in Florida, per aver pagato i servizi sessuali di una ragazza di 14 anni.

Vedi la cronologia? Epstein ha cercato di avvicinarsi a Trump per comprometterlo, Trump ha scoperto che Epstein era un malato, poi Trump lo ha aiutato a consegnarlo alla polizia locale. Ma alla fine l'FBI controllata da Clinton è intervenuta ed Epstein è stato liberato.

Da allora, il Deep State ha inseguito Trump. Perché? Perché se Epstein viene smascherato, allora tutta DC va in rovina a causa del ricatto che Epstein possedeva sui migliori giocatori di Washington. Ecco perché la Clinton ha fatto irruzione a Vanity Fair e li ha minacciati di non scrivere storie su Epstein. I Clinton dissero al MSM di seppellire la storia.

Poi, quando Trump è entrato in carica, ha dedicato la sua amministrazione a fermare il traffico di esseri umani in tutto il mondo attraverso molteplici ordini esecutivi, ha sequestrato l'isola di Epstein e poi ha arrestato Epstein e i suoi complici nel 2019.

L'ordine esecutivo 13773 (vedi allegato), è un EO letteralmente dedicato a sgominare l'operazione internazionale di traffico sessuale di minori di Epstein. "Organizzazioni criminali transnazionali e prevenzione dei traffici internazionali". 9 febbraio 2017.

HELLOOOOO that’s literally Epstein’s entire operation. Trump used Executive Power to stop Epstein, only A MONTH into his presidency. It was one of the first things Trump did.

So for those of you that were hoping to see Trump implicated in Epstein’s criminality, you will remain disappointed. Because not only is Trump NOT one of Epstein’s clients, he is the main individual who exposed the entire thing.

Trump is Epstein’s #1 enemy, and you all were brainwashed to hate him for that very reason.

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Trump Takes Victory Lap on Clinton and the Deep State in WILD Truth Social Hype Video!

5 GEN 2024

Trump posted this MUST WATCH video on Truth Social this morning, following the massive exposure of Deep State pedophilia.

Essentially mocking all the top players of the Deep State, including pics of Bill. This is Trump’s victory lap.


38 Restacks
Was Epstein the Shadow Ruler of the World?

5 GEN 2024
Now that everyone has seen the Epstein docs, lets talk about the global significance of the Epstein blackmail operation.

See DE 165-3 — Document #1090, Attachment #6

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A victim testified Epstein was targeting "American politicians, powerful business executives, foreign presidents, a well-known Prime Minister, and other world leaders", so that he could "potentially blackmail them".

Epstein was about something much bigger than just rich pedos raping children. This was an intelligence operation to blackmail and control the most powerful people on the planet. Meaning that at a minimum Bill Clinton, and presumably Hillary, are compromised by Epstein and must do what he asks of them, or face the consequences of their heinous secret getting out. How much of the Clinton/DNC agenda has been at the behest of Epstein to keep him quiet?

If Epstein controlled the Clintons via blackmail, does that mean Epstein was functioning as the shadow President of the United States and Secretary of State? How many other politicians does he control?

This means that Epstein, or the people he served, could essentially control global policy decisions via proxy, without being elected. This is quite literally an intelligence operation to rule the world, via pedophilia honeypot. Don't take my word for it, the victims said it themselves.

The ULTIMATE question is, who did Epstein work for, and what were they trying to accomplish?

If the Illuminati truly does exist, this would be how.

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Pedophilia is a Left-wing Characteristic

4 GEN 2024

“It’s not Left vs Right!”

I agree. It’s the people who rape kids vs the people who don’t.

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Ma non è colpa mia se tutte le persone che stuprano i bambini sono prevalentemente di sinistra. Non è colpa mia se la sinistra promuove ideologicamente la sessualizzazione dei bambini.

Chi porta i bambini agli spettacoli di drag queen, alle parate dell'orgoglio e insegna loro la merda 2SLGBTQIA+ a scuola? Quale fazione ha affermato che la pedofilia diffusa era una teoria del complotto di destra?

I media di sinistra sono anche quelli che hanno coperto questa storia di Epstein e il pizzagate per DECENNI, mentre quelli di destra, prevalentemente sostenitori di Trump, sono stati l'unica "parte" che ha cercato di smascherarla, mentre affrontava una PESANTE resistenza, per ANNI!

Quindi risparmiami con il "sono entrambe le parti!" ... No, non lo è. Da una parte c'è l'ideologia concentrata sulla sessualizzazione dei bambini, mentre la resistenza alla pedofilia diffusa proviene quasi esclusivamente dalla destra.

Chiunque lo neghi si sbaglia oggettivamente. La pedofilia è una caratteristica della sinistra, e sono stanco di far finta che non lo sia.


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So Democrats, Your Leaders are Pedophiles

4 GENNAIO 2024
Democratici, fateci un favore e non aprite le vostre fottute bocche andando avanti, a meno che le parole non siano "Mi dispiace, avevate ragione".

Voi avete perso il privilegio di parlare in nostra presenza.

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Tutti voi avete avuto l'audacia di definirci deplorevoli, mentre adoravate i pedofili letterali.

Tutti voi ci avete discriminato, armato tutte le leve del governo contro di noi, e avete affermato che NOI eravamo i malvagi, perché VOI avete subito il lavaggio del cervello dai pedofili che VOI affermavate essere quelli "decenti".

Ci avete tutti dato dei pazzi per aver parlato di pedofilia diffusa e traffico di bambini. Hai affermato che eravamo dei teorici della cospirazione. Beh, a quanto pare avevamo ragione.

Quindi, andando avanti, tutti voi non avete il privilegio di essere presi sul serio in nessun modo. Se non denunciate i vostri leader e i loro crimini contro i bambini, siete complici di perpetuare l'autorizzazione dei crimini contro i bambini.

Non prenderemo un cazzo da persone che stuprano i bambini, o dai loro sostenitori. I vostri leader pagheranno per quello che hanno fatto, e voi potrete unirvi a noi, o stare zitti e togliervi di mezzo.

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449 Piace
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Politico ammette che una candidatura di Trump sarebbe la fine dell'Ucraina!

3 GENNAIO 2024

Porca puttana... Tutto sta iniziando ad avere un senso.

Non solo il Deep State non può permettere a Trump di essere presidente, ma non può nemmeno permettergli di diventare il CANDIDATO perché la sua influenza farà sì che il Partito Repubblicano della Camera rimanga fermo nel fermare tutti i finanziamenti per l'Ucraina.

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Politico l'ha appena ammesso.

If Ukraine falls, the Deep State are completely f*cked. Their offshore racket is gone, their funding dries up, and Russia are still accusing them of making biological weapons. Everything is at stake here.

Now it’s starting to make sense why they tried to take Trump off the ballot so soon. Why they are desperate to speed up Jack Smith Special Counsel. Why they are desperate to promote any other GOP candidate besides Trump. Why there is so much escalation and new conflict worldwide. Why Ukraine are committing terror attacks on civilians trying to incite WW3. It’s why all these attacks are happening NOW.

They can’t let Trump be the candidate. If he performs well in the early primaries, Ukraine funding is toast, and the Deep State face extinction. I thought they had until November to figure it out, but apparently they have WAY less time than that.

Everything revolves around funding for Ukraine. They want to use Israel to justify packaging funding for Ukraine. They are promoting DeSantis and Haley, DESPERATELY trying to get one of these two to beat Trump in the Primary because they support funding Ukraine.

Politico just admitted the Deep State’s entire plan.

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Enjoy Primary Season While it Lasts

3 GEN 2024
Look, Trump is not perfect.

I criticized him heavily for the superhero NFTs, for declaring to run for President right after he JUST said the 2022 election was fraudulent, etc.

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But it was telling to watch those in the so-called “truth” community spring an all out assault on Trump over one post on Truth Social. As if the last 7+ years of being the sole force combating the FBI and the Deep State, magically disappeared because Trump said the FBI should stay where they are at and do their jobs like they are supposed to.

Those who dislike Trump, or prefer another candidate, used this as an opportunity to prop their candidate up, by claiming Trump is now pro-FBI, when he did not say that… at all, and they know damn well they are being disingenuous. They know damn well Trump is the greatest threat to the FBI, thus why they attack him unlike anyone else.

Trump is perfectly worthy of criticism, as is everyone, but if you think this outrage is organic or legitimate, you are mistaken. The only ones frantically up in arms don’t like Trump or have been looking for a reason to bash him and his supporters. This is the only opportunity they DeSantis bros have had in months. This was their Super Bowl.

Come November, they will all be voting for The Don, and they will pretend like they never doubted him


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Do You Want Anarchy? Or Do You Want the US Government to Function as it Was Intended?

2 GEN 2024
Every American wants some authoritative entity to carry out investigations and stop actual terrorists.

We want the FBI to operate as it was intended. Same can be said for the DOJ, health agencies, Congress, etc.

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But we still need SOMEOME to make laws, enforce laws, judge laws, assess health risks, etc.

We could shut down every single corrupt entity, fire everyone, and start from scratch. Then we would have to hire people with experience in this field and put them in control of the new entities. Who has any experience if we just indiscriminately fire everybody?

Okay so we cant fire EVERYBODY. We have to keep the non-corrupt ones. How do we decide who are the non-corrupt ones? Who investigates them if we just fired everybody who investigates people?

So we have to find out who in these agencies are NOT corrupt, so they can help us hold the corrupt accountable, and then help us rebuild new agencies under new names, carrying out the same intended function.

So we wouldn’t really be abolishing anything, we would just be cleansing and reforming these agencies, installing new management, promoting the non-corrupt rank and file, then changing the name of the agency to make everyone feel better.

Do you see my point?

Do you want anarchy or do you want the US government to operate as it was intended under new management?

The entities themselves are not the problem, the CORRUPT INDIVIDUALS in charge of these entities are to blame, and we must hold the individuals accountable to the full extent of the law, no exceptions. However, this idea that we can just come in and abolish and shut down the federal government is illogical and short-sighted.

Everyone wants accountability, but it’s not as easy as firing everyone and shutting down important government functions without a plan. This situation is unfathomably intricate and cannot be solved with emotional and whimsical acts. This requires precision and tact. NATSEC is on the line. Hundreds of millions of Americans, and arguably the entire world; all of their lives are at stake if this is not handled properly and the US falls into chaos.

Hope this clears it up for those of you who cannot seem to grasp it


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New and Spectacular Building

31 DIC 2023

The Trump-haters and DeSantis nutjobs are latching onto this because they have nothing else.

Trump is pointing out how DC is a violent cesspool, and is saying the FBI are going to help clean up the mess they helped create, under new management.

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Many are say “abolish the FBI!”, but if you all want there to be accountability for Deep State actors, you want someone to enforce the Constitution, some sort of entity has to do the enforcing. If we abolish the FBI, DHS, DOJ, etc., who’s gonna hold people accountable? Who’s gonna deport illegals? Who’s gonna hunt down child-traffickers? There still has to be some form of these entities if we want to fix America, we just need them to operate as they are intended. We can’t just be all-out anarchy. That doesn’t solve our problem.

Now, we could just abolish these entities, and create new ones under different names and acronyms, but the would still be carrying out the same function. Would it make you feel better if we just took the FBI, and renamed it to the Ministry of Investigation? Or do you think that moving forward there will be no investigations at all? Someone has to be in charge of investigations.

See my point?

What many also seem to forget is the FBI is still 90% hard-working, law-abiding Americans who want to defend the Constitution and fix this country. It’s the 10% of bureaucrats at the top who have warped and weaponized the machine for political purposes. 37,000 FBI employees, and you think ALL of them are corrupt, based on the closed-door actions of the Director, Deputy Director, and the upper cadre of bad actors?

I interpreted this post as Trump saying the FBI will stay right where they are at, he will cleanse it and install new management, recreate the FBI as it should be, and then use it to unfuck the situation we are in, and turn DC into a beacon of beauty, as opposed to the shithole that it is now. How did so many manage to disagree with that?

You all want someone to do exactly that, but you never asked yourself HOW we would do that. There has to be some form of authority if you want accountability. If you got hung up on the “new and spectacular building” line, that’s because you have an agenda or didn’t think it through.

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Benvenuti nel Precipizio

30 DIC 2023

L'Ucraina è allo stremo, i finanziamenti si stanno prosciugando e l'opinione pubblica non sostiene più la causa.

Trump vincerà le elezioni se lo status quo rimane.

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Come può il Deep State impedirlo? Terza guerra mondiale. Possono annullare le elezioni E intervenire per salvare l'Ucraina. Prendere due piccioni con una fava.

Tenetelo a mente mentre la NATO, attraverso l'Ucraina per procura, continua a condurre attacchi terroristici contro i civili russi. Stanno cercando di spingere Putin a fare qualcosa di avventato, in modo da poter giustificare l'intervento, fare la guerra, attuare poteri di emergenza, mantenere il loro potere, impedire a Trump di entrare in carica e impedire alla Russia di esporre tutte le risorse offshore dello Stato Profondo in Ucraina, vale a dire il malaffare biologico.

Non sembra che stiano seguendo la strada della pandemia in questa stagione elettorale. Stanno optando per la legge marziale e la guerra totale, perché sanno che se le elezioni si svolgeranno, Trump vincerà e pagheranno il prezzo più alto.

Benvenuti sull'orlo del precipizio.

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268 Piace
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⚠️⚠️ L'Ucraina usa le armi della NATO per colpire i civili a Belgorod

30 DIC 2023


Oggi, l'Ucraina ha lanciato un attacco missilistico, con armi NATO (ceche), su località civili, nel centro di Belgorod, uccidendo 14 civili, 2 bambini e ferendone oltre 100.

La Russia ha convocato una riunione di emergenza del Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite e i funzionari russi accusano gli Stati Uniti di essere i principali colpevoli degli attacchi.

L'ambasciatore russo Anatoly Antonov ha appena parlato con i media e ha affermato che gli Stati Uniti stanno "conducendo una guerra ibrida contro la Russia e gettando moderne armi occidentali al fronte contro le forze armate russe".

Sembra che l'Occidente stia disperatamente cercando di istigare la Russia alla rappresaglia e all'escalation in modo da poter giustificare l'ingresso della NATO e l'inizio della Terza Guerra Mondiale. L'esercito ucraino è ridotto a nulla e non può resistere ancora a lungo. La loro unica speranza è quella di ottenere l'intervento del MIL degli Stati Uniti e che prenda il loro posto.

Russia have been warning that if NATO weaponry are used to strike Russian territory, that would be a red line. We are one or two bad decisions away from full-scale kinetic war with Russia, and thus WW3.

Buckle up.

25 Restacks
Citizen Journalism’s Reign Has Just Begun

30 DIC 2023

Elon ha comprato Twitter, ha creato un santuario per la libertà di parola, ha coltivato un ambiente che ha dato origine al giornalismo partecipativo, e ora i "media alternativi" stanno DOMINANDO i media tradizionali nello spazio dell'informazione.

Ogni gioco del Deep State viene chiamato in causa in tempo reale, prima ancora che l'MSM possa stabilire una narrazione. Nel momento in cui tentano la loro versione, i citizen journalist l'hanno già smascherata e diffusa in tutto il mondo.

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La loro teatralità e il loro inganno hanno perso la loro potenza. Mancano della velocità pura che i social media consentono, giustapposti agli arcaici media televisivi/giornalistici. Semplicemente non riescono a tenere il passo con milioni di cittadini che operano come un'unità.

Ora che i cittadini / indipendenti / giornalisti alternativi hanno stabilito la loro validità nello spazio pubblico avendo ragione in modo esponenziale più spesso dei MSM, ogni nuova bufala del Deep State è un'altra opportunità per l'apparato di citizen intelligence di espandere la nostra influenza e svegliare più normies.

Inoltre, i loro tentativi di mantenere il potere sono diventati sempre più evidenti, rendendo il nostro lavoro molto più facile. Più lottano, più il cappio si stringe. Stanno esaurendo i giochi e il tempo stringe.

TL; DR: Stiamo vincendo e i Deep Stare sono.

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Lo Stato Profondo cerca disperatamente di giustificare maggiori finanziamenti per l'Ucraina

29 DIC 2023

So here’s how the scam works.

NATO send Ukraine longer-range British missiles that Ukraine use to strike a Russian ship at harbor in the Black Sea.

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Russia respond by bombing the piss out of Ukraine. Then Biden uses this as an excuse to call for more US funds for Ukraine.

Biden and Ukraine also lied, and claimed civilians were targeted, which Russia denied. Ukraine claim Russia struck a “maternity hospital”. Just like the tossing babies out of incubators hoax and the decapitated babies hoax, the West are using atrocity propaganda to ONCE AGAIN manipulate your emotions to garner your support for the war machine. It’s the same playbook.

The West fund an attack, the recipient of the attack responds, which creates the illusion of victimhood thus the perceived need for more funding for “defense”, then the cycle repeats and the laundry mat stays open.

If you fall for this again, at this point, it’s on you.

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The Deep State are Signing Their Own Death Warrant

29 DIC 2023
Maine has now taken Trump off the ballot.

GOOD! I hope every Blue State does it.

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Because when this reaches the Supreme Court, it will nullify all these politically-charged rulings, and the Dems are further proving the DNC are weaponizing their positions to keep Trump off the ballot.

The coordinated weaponization of State government, in unison with the Dems at the Federal level, is further solidifying that the Deep State exists, and that the Biden administration have gone full-blown totalitarian dictatorship. This is going to wake normies up on a colossal scale.

So go ahead. Let the Dems get cute and play these little lawfare games. It will accomplish nothing in the end, besides continue to increase Trump’s support.

They are merely digging their graves deeper, and further justifying Trump’s future corrective action. Now when Trump gets back in office, the Deep State have already established the precedent, the public are normalized to accept weaponization of government to attack political opposition, AND Trump is justified in punching back because he was attacked first. Trumps optics are impeccable.

The Deep State are signing their own death warrant. We shall oblige them.

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Il 7 ottobre assomiglia sempre di più a una falsa bandiera

28 DIC 2023

Il generale Flynn afferma che "è stata presa la decisione di far fermare la sicurezza, il 7 ottobre, per 7 ore".

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Ciò avviene dopo che Netanyahu ha rivelato i piani per trasferire la popolazione palestinese negli Stati Uniti e in Europa.

Sembra che alcuni elementi all'interno dell'IDF abbiano permesso l'attacco, in modo da poter giustificare la pulizia etnica della Palestina e il trasferimento della loro popolazione. Essenzialmente un'operazione sotto falsa bandiera per giustificare l'escalation e l'accaparramento di terra di Gaza e della Cisgiordania.

Se mi avete seguito, saprete che questa è stata la mia analisi sin dal salto! L'attacco di Hamas è stato brutale e orribile, ma Israele VOLEVA che accadesse, perché serve come Casus Belli, per giustificare la palese agenda di Israele di cacciare i palestinesi musulmani dalla regione.

E sulla base delle azioni e del comportamento del governo israeliano, stavano aspettando questa opportunità. Hanno lasciato morire i loro civili, in modo da poter portare avanti la loro agenda geopolitica.

Il male è un eufemismo.

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287 Piace
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Why did the RDS Campaign Fail?

26 DIC 2023

Alright DeSantis influencers, it’s time to give up the charade.

In January, there was only an 11 point margin between Trump and RDS. That margin is now 50 points.

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RDS influencers claim RDS ran a perfect campaign, yet have no answers for why his support fell off a cliff, and is about to fall behind deranged warmongering neocon, Nikki Haley.

One of the main factors for this disastrous plummet, is the petulant behavior from RDS influencers, their blatant detachment from reality, and their betrayal to Trump and his supporters. While most of us are trying to have serious conversations about the corrupt establishment and how to combat it, they were trying to capitalize on the opportunity to smear Trump and promote their guy. Not a good look.

RDS’ message did not resonate with the public. Vivek and RFK Jr. were far more effective with their messaging. They expressed a hostile posture toward the establishment. That’s what the People wanted to see. RDS failed to do this, and the boots didn’t help. The American People want someone who is going to come in and uproot the Deep State, and DeSantis did not display the qualities or the confidence to accomplish this feat.

It’s time for the demagoguery to stop. It’s time for the RDS simps to bend the knee, and the submit to the will of The People, NOT the will of your campaign. It’s time to get on the Trump train or get out of the way. The scoreboard does not lie.

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The DNC Weaponized Illegal Immigration

25 DIC 2023
The broader public are starting to see why the Dems have been so desperate to keep the border open.

It’s election fraud. They are shipping in millions of new voters every year. That’s why the Dems were so vocal about DACA kids in 2017. That’s why they conducted the “kids in cages” psyop. That’s why Obama went on TV and told illegal immigrants they are allowed to vote in 2016.

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All of it was a ploy to incentivize illegal immigrants to vote blue, and prevent Trump from building the wall, under the guise of “racism”.

It was never about racism, or care for immigrant children. It was about power. The Dems have weaponized illegal immigration as a tool to steal elections. It’s why they don’t want voter ID. It’s why they are willing to spend hundreds of billions to fail at securing Ukraine’s border, but won’t spend 5 billion to secure our own border.

It’s not a conspiracy theory anymore. It’s reality. The record doesn’t lie. The Democrats have weaponized illegal immigration to steal elections.

Flashback to Obama’s interview weeks before the 2016 Election, blatantly encouraging illegal immigrants to vote and telling them they will not be prosecuted for voting.

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The Left are Fueled by Hate, Not Love

22 DIC 2023
I’ve never actually met a Biden-voter who likes Joe Biden. They are just anti-Trump.

They know the Biden admin is a complete clown show, they just don’t care. Their entire political identity revolves around hating the orange man, no matter the cost.

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They don’t even remember what they hate him for anymore. They are just lost in the loop. It’s muscle memory for them at this point. It’s ingrained into their brains.

Is it because he is racist? Is it because he kept kids in cages? Is it because he conspired with Russia to steal the 2016 election? Is it because he incited an insurrection on January 6th?

All of these things turned out to be lies, perpetuated by the media and their establishment overlords.

The Left are fueled by hatred and deceit, not love. They know Biden is destroying America, but they are so conditioned to hate Trump and his supporters, they don’t care if Biden starts WW3. Whatever it takes to stop Trump. This ceaseless hatred has blinded them. They cannot see what they have become.

Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

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The American Dream is Dead

21 DIC 2023
What made the USA the greatest nation ever created?

-Freedom of speech

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-Due process

-Free and fair elections

-Quality of life

All of this is gone. The American dream is dead.

-You are not free to speak. Social media censorship dictates what you must think and say.

-Due process has been replaced by public perception. Trump and J6ers received no due process, yet have been “convicted” by rogue weaponized elements within the government.

-Elections are neither fair nor free. Pertinent information is kept from you, and lies are told to you, in order to influence who you vote for. And if you don’t pick who they want you to pick, they cheat, or take his name off the ballot,

-Quality of life is diminishing rapidly. Inflation is destroying Americans. The Middle class no longer exists. The wealth has been redistributed to the 1%. Cost of living is unbearable, and wages are not going up.

All the things we used to hang our hat on as Americans, have been stripped from you by the establishment. This is not a “democracy”. It’s a tyrannical dictatorship, operating under the guise of “freedom”.

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Deep State Desperation

20 DIC 2023

Presumably, the SCOTUS will overturn this ruling, and this stunt will only end up making Trump more popular, and proving the establishment’s desperation.

They know they can’t win. They don’t have control of Twitter anymore, so they can’t shape public perception like they used to, and with citizen journalists able to dismantle their narratives in real time, their propaganda is largely neutralized. We are calling their plays out before they run them. We have the playbook.

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They are FUCKED. And they know it. So they have no choice but to try to jail Trump, keep him off the ballot, or worse.

But with every step they take to prevent Trump from reclaiming office, they dig their graves just a little deeper, further justifying their future prosecution.

In the end, this will be a net positive for Trump. It will only fuel the anti-establishment movement that much more, and it provides Trump with future political ammunition to unleash on his enemies.

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Trump è il nemico #1 di Epstein

6 GENNAIO 2024
Per coloro che non hanno capito l'affiliazione di Trump con Epstein, permettetemi di spiegare.

Trump è colui che ha smascherato Epstein nel 2008, ecco perché tutta Washington lo teme. Trump è il nemico #1 di Epstein.

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Epstein stava conducendo un'operazione di ricatto. Stava cercando le persone più potenti della Terra, per comprometterle e controllarle. Ha cercato di prendere Trump, ma Trump non ha morso.

Trump ha bandito Epstein dalle sue proprietà nel 2008, per aver picchiato la figlia adolescente di un membro del club di Mar-a-Lago. Poi, un paio di mesi dopo, Epstein si è dichiarato colpevole di accuse penali statali in Florida, per aver pagato i servizi sessuali di una ragazza di 14 anni.

Vedi la cronologia? Epstein ha cercato di avvicinarsi a Trump per comprometterlo, Trump ha scoperto che Epstein era un malato, poi Trump lo ha aiutato a consegnarlo alla polizia locale. Ma alla fine l'FBI controllata da Clinton è intervenuta ed Epstein è stato liberato.

Da allora, il Deep State ha inseguito Trump. Perché? Perché se Epstein viene smascherato, allora tutta DC va in rovina a causa del ricatto che Epstein possedeva sui migliori giocatori di Washington. Ecco perché la Clinton ha fatto irruzione a Vanity Fair e li ha minacciati di non scrivere storie su Epstein. I Clinton dissero al MSM di seppellire la storia.

Poi, quando Trump è entrato in carica, ha dedicato la sua amministrazione a fermare il traffico di esseri umani in tutto il mondo attraverso molteplici ordini esecutivi, ha sequestrato l'isola di Epstein e poi ha arrestato Epstein e i suoi complici nel 2019.

L'ordine esecutivo 13773 (vedi allegato), è un EO letteralmente dedicato a sgominare l'operazione internazionale di traffico sessuale di minori di Epstein. "Organizzazioni criminali transnazionali e prevenzione dei traffici internazionali". 9 febbraio 2017.

CIAOOOOO, questa è letteralmente l'intera operazione di Epstein. Trump ha usato il potere esecutivo per fermare Epstein, a solo un mese dall'inizio della sua presidenza. È stata una delle prime cose che Trump ha fatto.

Quindi, per quelli di voi che speravano di vedere Trump implicato nella criminalità di Epstein, rimarrete delusi. Perché non solo Trump NON è uno dei clienti di Epstein, ma è la persona principale che ha smascherato l'intera faccenda.

Trump è il nemico #1 di Epstein, e tutti voi avete subito il lavaggio del cervello per odiarlo proprio per questo motivo.

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