"Following" (1998) Directed by Christopher Nolan

1 year ago

“When I started to follow people, specific people, when I selected a person to follow, that’s when the trouble started”.

Christopher Nolan’s debut feature as director is a low budget thriller shot entirely in black and white and featuring just four main characters in a small cast list of just 26 actors. Sharp editing between the main characters enhances the tension, as does the longer/wider shots of “Bill” aka “The Young Man” (Jeremy Theobald) as he people watches and follows seemingly random people. During the early narration from Bill, he explains, to both an unseen character, then to the audience in general, how, as a budding writer, he uses the act of following people simply to observe their behaviours, actions and everyday life as inspiration for his writing. He narrates his simple rules for the audience, however as he admits during the first five minutes of the film, he breaks an early rule, that of never following the same person twice. As a result, he meets “Cobb”, a standout performance from Alex Haw, as a sharply dressed and self assured thief. Lucy Russell as “The Blonde” is quickly introduced as the third main character, a girlfriend of a local Club Owner and a fourth character “The Policeman”, with John Nolan (Christopher Nolan’s Uncle) in a cameo, yet crucial role.

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The above paragraphs are taken from my original spoiler free review of "Following" which was penned and published over a decade ago and was in fact the very first film review blog I ever wrote! The entire cinematic career of Christopher Nolan is contained within my original article linked immediately below and whilst this film is not contained within my "essential film reviews collection", I've linked the entire 7 volume series below too. Each volume is priced at £4.99 however, should you have an Amazon Kindle "Unlimited" package, you can read each and every volume for free:




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