Prophecy on Harvard University USA (July 13 2022)

4 months ago

Prophecy on Harvard University USA (July 13 2022)
..this short video clip shows portions of a prophecy given about harvard university on July 13 2022. And it's now playing out with global headlines!
It came as a personal prophecy to some one who was going to visit and pass through Harvard's location.
The prophecy was spoken and then written down and sent by Email to preserve it on that day. Hence the video clip highlights the email page and then circles-in-red the date of the email , July 13, 2022. This is more than just about someone's resignation from a post. (As at the time the prophecy came, we had no idea that heads of universities in America were called presidents, thought it was Vice -Chancellors like in Nigeria, was a mystery then but getting clear now.There's a whole lot playing out.
But this short Clip is to point out that God is saying certain things to the world and whole systems right now....!
The lord still reigns. Prophecy is a speaking from the authority of the throne of God.
God is releasing governmental authority out of heaven into the earth through prophecy! Personal prophecy scrolls can carry maps and verdicts of nations and Institutions. It's time to upgrade to new operations in the prophetic!

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