Can A Community Run Itself?

5 months ago

Can A Community Run Itself?

Most people don’t believe me when I say this, but it’s true.

You can create a community so valuable to your members that it will
essentially run itself.

The secret is in the set up.

My own fascination with the question, “can a community run itself?”
led to creating Community.

I’m going to take you through the only 5 things you need to do to set
your community up to thrive.

#1 Your Big Purpose

A Big Purpose that captures:

⭐️ An Ideal Member who wants progress
⭐️ Community activities that create progress
⭐️ Results and transformation that come from progress

Because people are attracted to your community when they know who it’s
for, what you’re going to do together, and what results and
transformation they’ll get from being a part of it.

#2 Your Year in the Life

Your community’s “Year in the Life” answers a simple question:

What are your members able to do a year from now that they can’t do today?

It takes your Big Purpose and makes it even more concrete by mapping
exactly what your members will get for contributing.
Your Year in the Life is meant for exploration and
brainstorming—thinking about questions like:

⭐️ What can your members do in a year they can’t do today?
⭐️ What does a day in their life look like?
⭐️ How have their lives changed?

⭐️ What can you do in a year that isn’t possible today?
⭐️ What does a day in your life look like?
⭐️ How has your life changed?

This kind of progress is powerful—and motivates your members to contribute.
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#3 Monthly Themes

Monthly themes ladder up to your community’s Year in the Life.

They guide the activities for that month—and tap into the stories,
experiences, and ideas of your members.

#4 Weekly Calendar

A Weekly Calendar turns your community into a habit.

It sets up the same consistent activities in any week—and this
consistency tells your members what they can expect.
The best part?

A Weekly Calendar is a multiplier. When done consistently for even
just 2 days a week, each activity becomes more memorable to members
just starting to show up.

#5 Frequent Questions & Polls

Yesterday we covered how powerful Questions & Polls are to a
community. They are the final piece of a Community Design™ Plan.
As you can see, each part of Community Design™ plays a unique role:

⭐️ Your Big Purpose captures why your community exists
⭐️ Your Year in the Life offers concrete progress
⭐️ Monthly Themes keep your community changing
⭐️ A Weekly Calendar builds a habit
⭐️ Frequent Questions & Polls spark relationships

Taken together, your community can quickly run itself.


Jack Bosma
Solveres Independent Solution Representative and District Manager Solveres
"Inspect what you expect."

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