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Corinne Mori

1 year ago

Taghum Hall - Jan 2 2024 -
Structure of the RDCK (The Royle Family)


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  • Help those who are lost and confused to join in and ending this corruption, the more crap they post the longer the pain will be inflicted , and murder,,, Subscribe to get important Information https://constitutionalconventions.ca/contact/ - ensure you get confirmation - check spam or junk mail. Zoom 5-10 EST daily https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6945489985?pwd=UllwRmwzRUhWS2pXUWNQODNEbnhSZz09 SwT80SwT8 Download POGG - https://www.shelaw.ca/2023/10/16/for-immediate-release/ -CASH REWARD- $5,000.00 for proof that the 'Office of the Mayor' is owned by the Province & not the people. Ending the PPP Fraud The Documentation is near finalization and we all look forward to ENDNING the FRAUD!!!! "The POGG Primer: Ending the PPP Fraud" revealed gross negligence & corruption done in every CITY HALL by the signatures of de facto Global (Strong) Mayors & CITY CAOs.

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  •  https://constitutionalconventions.ca/ Contact info@constitutionalconventions.ca https://www.shelaw.ca/2023/10/16/for-immediate-release/ Contact Shelagh shelaghmcfarlane107@gmail.com Documents for Creston Deputation: https://www.theawarenessproject.ca/ Contact Neil from the website

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  • Absolutely superb video/talk! Sharing with our COAP folks, the BC Rising Group folks I interact with, etc. etc. Being able to share videos like this means we all don't have to spend our time, again and again, reinventing the wheel!!! Bless you Corinne and everyone fighting the good fight ... standing with you!

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