Nikki”#CompromisedAF”Haley | Check Description

5 months ago

If you’re supporting or blindly trusting a politician because of the (R) next to their name I hate to say it fren but you’re still comfortably asleep. Obviously new here you haven’t witnessed the constant backstabbing that’s taken place since Nov 3rd 2020 & prior but so much more obvious since that day. Both parties have been highjacked by commies, cowards, & those whom are compromised. Both sides have been victims of honeypots & continue to be blackmailed because of it([JE]). We’re in this spot because we blindly trusted & followed scumbags but we are also to blame. Do your own research & vet these people before providing support and especially money. Remember the GOP raised 250 million dollars of your hard earned money to investigate the 2020 election. Why is Mike Lindell spending hundreds of millions of dollars funding these investigations then? Where’s that 250 million dollars at? Wonder if it’s been laundered through Ukraine? JS ☕️🐸

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