6 months ago

History Channel at Area 51 filming a show, and a documentary on Area 51. I had no idea Ancient Aliens had aired until I got all these notifications from all of you. I got a call from a producer of the History Channel on a Wednesday, and they wanted me at Area 51 that Friday. I could't do it on that short of a notice, and never thought it was going to be as big as it was. They wanted to interview me somewhere in Las Vegas on Thursday, but they wanted me to pick the spots. They told me what they had in mind for the spots they wanted for the interview. I gave them 4 spots that would work, but they were unable to get permits to film. They finally gave up with Vegas, and said what about Saturday, and Sunday at Area 51. I did, and met them at the store in Alamo at 6 am. There was so many people in the production company around 25 people. All were in the store talking about Area 51, and all the locals started gathering around them to see what was going on. I mentioned to the one producer that they should keep it down. They didn't care because they had filming permits to film at every gate of Area 51. Everyone in the production company were all very nice, and very professional. I have to say how hard 4 of the guys worked that were in charge of the cameras, lights, sound, and wind barriers. What a lot of you seen on Ancient Aliens at the mine was really hard. It was snowing, and the wind was blowing so hard. Inside the mine was much worse because the ground was frozen, and it was like a ice freezer inside. The producer knows what he wants, and will do a single question over, and over until he likes it. After they were done at the mine we were supposed to go to The Little A'LE'INN for an early dinner. As the producer came down the mountain from the mine he saw something he liked, and wanted to do an interview right there. They had me sitting on a stool for a couple hours while asking questions. It got so cold that I stated shivering from sitting in that freezing wind. When the documentary comes out I guarantee it's going to be gold. That whole rumor about if you film a camo dudes face. They'll loose their job is a complete rumor because they did everything to get on camera. The camo dudes knew the History Channel was going to be there because of the permits the History Channel had to get.

Thank you to all of you that left all the nice messages asking for more videos. I have very recent videos of Area 51, but felt I had to start where I left off.

Something I really enjoy about the Nevada desert is that it is very clean, and no graffiti to be seen. I had someone send me some pictures of graffiti that had been recently tagged on one of the buildings at the mine. Then pictures of black spray paint on Groom Lake Road stop signs, and pics from the back gate signs. When Bob Miller made the 375 the Extraterrestrial Hwy, and had the 3 big ET signs put up. It's something the state of Nevada didn't have to do, and replace these signs every year. The stickers is part of the signs, but not covering the lettering on the signs. What is worse someone took a sharpie, and tagged every sign out there. The 50 or so miles between Ash Springs, and Rachel has many signs warning you of cows, and low flying aircraft. All of those signs have been tagged with rude crude drawings, and messages. You definitely would not want your kids to see what is on these signs. I know a lot of you want or are planning a trip to Area 51. Don't all of you want to see this area in the pristine shape it's always been? Also is the state of Nevada going to continue to put these signs up with all the problems? Sorry, but I really love what is really my backyard, and hate seeing trash, and graffiti in a place that never had any. The best mayor Las Vegas has ever had Oscar Goodman. The city put 4 large statues of desert tortoises in downtown. Mayor Oscar Goodman made world news. Saying when there caught their thumbs should be broken so they could never do it again. Look it up on YouTube.
Thank you to all of you that watch my videos, and leave nice comments.
I'm going to have some changes coming up so we all can communicate with each other. Please join my Facebook page so you know what is going on. Thank you again Christian

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