Egypt and Assyria: The Dual Captivity Systems

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>>LIVE @ 7:00pm MST (9pm EST)<<
We are told these words of profound significance in Zechariah 10:10a:
“I will also bring them back from the land of Egypt,
And gather them from Assyria.”
In the extremely near future, God is telling us that He will be bringing back the 12 Tribes of Israel out of captivity from both Egypt and Assyria. But did you know that this is *not* speaking of literal, geographic locations?

It is speaking of something different.

These are the two spiritual systems of control that have been in place for hundreds of years now as the tools of the current elite ruling class. Today’s live will be dedicated to exploring the deeper concepts within the regathering of all 12 Tribes of Israel out of captivity; why Egypt and Assyria are spoken of by God as the end times “places” of bondage; and we will understand the “symbols” that we were warned about in Psalm 74 so that we can overcome Babylon with the full armor of Elohim and the shield of Salvation.

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