1 year ago

While I was at Area 51 a large monsoon storm was right over the base, and I was able to catch a camo dude leaving the base with his window down. Then when I got to the main gate on Groom Lake Road. A large lightning storm had formed, and soon after pouring rain. Then while leaving the gate as I was getting close to the 375 Extraterrestrial Hwy. Another camo dude came down the road towards the base. He was driving around 60mph, but still was able to get a shot of him.

As I was fueling up in Alamo I saw a camo dude drive down the road, and make a right. I took my time so he would park, and go home before I went looking. I found the truck, and pulled into the parking spot next to the Dodge. I was just curious if the truck was one of the camo dudes I saw earlier in that day. Before I could even turn my jeep off the Bluebird employee bus came rushing in. The bus driver saw me before he even parked, and never took his eyes off me. They must have let the guys leave early due to the storm, and flooding.

I was stuck, and the bus pulled in 3 spaces to my left. What was odd though when the driver saw me one of the employees put a newspaper over his window in the bus. Six workers came off the bus 7 total with the driver. All the workers cars were on the side, and in front of me. I truly was not there to film the bus, but I did because as you can see I was already filming. The bus driver came to rear of my jeep, and took down my license plate number. Then got on a radio to call the police.

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