What I Ate Last Night & Random Ranting: Discussing Ceviche, Raw ( & Cooked Fish ), Minerals + Health

5 months ago

Get yourself a free bottle of Alpha Brain, a $40 dollar value, for free by clicking this link. Just pay shipping ( less than $6 ). I strongly suggest taking advantage of this offer so you can try my favourite nootropic blend. Here's the link: https://onnit.sjv.io/c/3085130/973987/5155

People regularly ask me, " do you take fish oil? " Yes I do. However, my favourite form of marine oil to take for my brain & heart health is actually Krill oil. After trying multiple brands of Krill oil over the past 5 years, I have finally found the one that I believe to be the best. Here is a link to that exact product. https://onnit.sjv.io/c/3085130/349592/5155

Make sure to get a daily flow of minerals into your body. The foundation of my health protocol is minerals and if you want to begin following my system, you need to invest in minerals. I have shared multiple mineral supplements over the years, things such as shilajit, active ionic, concentrace drops, etc. These are all cheap, effective methods for remineralizing your body.

My current daily mineral supplement is as follows: 4 capsules of Onnit's KEY Minerals, & 400 mg of Shilajit Resin. You can obtain both of these products directly from me by using the links below. If you want the best Onnit products, make sure to buy them directly from Onnit, not AMAZON!

ONNIT's KEY MINERALS: https://onnit.sjv.io/c/3085130/405516/5155

Buy your Shilajit from the PURE Himalayan Shilajit Company. The 200 mg tablet blister packs are a great and convenient way to start doing this. https://www.purehimalayanshilajit.com/buy-shilajit/

By ensuring that you take a quality multi-mineral matrix whilst simultaneously following my Life Force Diet Mastery System ( My 3 & 1/2 hour diet course available on my Patreon page ) you will ensure that you are giving your body an adequate flow of the 90 essential nutrients: vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids.

In this video I give a rough example of how I tend to eat. I eat simple, wholesome foods. I do my best to eat a large portion of my calories from raw food, but in this example meal of what I ate last night, I did not eat much raw food. If you want examples of my raw food dishes/meals/what I eat in a day videos, check the links at the bottom of the description box.

When I eat I typically will mix an animal protein ( often raw fish ), & quality fat source ( often grass fed butter ) with a carbohydrate source such as white rice or potatoes, and a vegetable/sprout & or fruit source. This ensures a wide spectrum of nutrients are getting into my body.

I am often asked what type of animal meat I eat the most of, as well as which animal meat I eat raw most often. The simple answer to both is fish. You will probably find that raw fish is the most palatable raw meat with the most versatility. There are so many Sushi dishes that you can learn to make and this makes eating raw meat not only fun, but also very engaging. One of my favourite foods is fatty fish! If you are wondering what my favourite type of cooked fish is, its cooked Salmon. My favourite raw fish is Ahi Tuna!


What I Ate Last Night ( July 28 2021 ) Homemade Sushi/Sashimi 🍣, Wild Caught Tuna/Salmon + Roe, Etc: https://youtu.be/mgsLkkLCW8U

Discussing Raw & Cooked Eggs, Health, What I Eat, ETC... A Mini Random Rant: https://youtu.be/PLabG_HmYic

Semi Raw-Primal Day Of Eating: Raw Salmon, Raw Eggs, Cheese, & Raw Honey + Making Dog Food & Ranting: https://youtu.be/PZSs89RQahw


Raw Egg RANT & Further Elaboration On The Raw Egg Shakes ( Venom Smoothie ): https://youtu.be/KmDlG8kg9C0

Raw~Primal Diary: Eating Raw Fish 🐟 SALMON 🐟 + Mini Rant: https://youtu.be/NG1QnsClOYQ

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