How to shovel snow the easiest & safest way! Aching back NO MORE

6 years ago

No bending your back. No aching back. No chiropractor.
This is how I shovel, when I need to.
No special shovels, no money to waste on half baked contraptions.
All you need is a piece of rope, or chain, or anything flexible that you attach to the lowest point of your snow shovel, or other type of shovel, or pitchfork.
Stand with your back straight and arms straight down. Load the shovel. Lift by curling your arm that is holding the rope while the other arm shoots the snow, or the sand etc., away. When shoveling upwards on steps, just shorten up your rope grip..... something you cannot do with the bent shovels.You can also shovel going downwards on steps, just lengthen your rope grip. At all times KEEP YOUR BACK STRAIGHT UP AND DOWN.
This is how I save my back, save money, and my shoveling is actually fun. Use at your own risk.This video is copyrighted, and its' intellectual property. For informational purposes only. Consult a physician before attempting.

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