Asian girl Warner Center Met - follows me out while I am taking a walk to try to set me up with the CRY WOLF tactic

1 year ago

This girl magically knew when I came home every day and would come out taking walks with her dogs in hopes I talk to her.

A common type of tactic in these 46 year extermination operaitons. Any person that comes in my life tries to set me up or frame me with Child Rapist PD to lock me away

Doesn't matter what state or where I live. These are daily minute by minute WORLDWIDE operations to EXECUTE a 5 year old for reasons I can't comprehend with the Judicial System.

Finding out at 29 years old met with Mike Huntley's DEATH THREATS with my father Dr Ronald Barry Perelman MD, and LAPD.

"World of paranoia", dropping papers about killing people in South Korea with Mental Illness tactics. "Have a good life know", "I have given you enough rope to hang yourself with", "You are out of control for California", "have a good life now", "We are using the system against you" Lapd System.

And a lot more. This girl is linked to a girl in their complex named Yuka. I have no clue who she is, however she has a DEFAMATION blog about me on Google Blogs. She also is working with the Police on BUNK MENTAL illness labels. Stating no one look at the PROOF of their LIES, because I'm supposedly crazy showing her true colors.

And these ILLEGAL police FLAG and KILL operations based on Government PROFILING. Which starts when I was 5 years old.

Also they are working on some schitzofrenia angles trying to GUILT me, with Idea of reference tactics about my private artwork in Professor Jim Johnson's Computer Imaging class in 1996, of a Mike Tyson, Chun Li composite which has somehow ruinded their life even though they should have no knowledge of my private artworks existence.

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