4 months ago

Their behaviour and Socialistic bent merely symptoms of failed higher education.

When we see such abuse of power and overt bigotry in an organization like Harvard University, we need to realize that Harvard is only one of many, many such institutions across the country and around the world. The entire Higher Education Industry is really at fault and may already be too big to stop.

Since long before the 1950’s the education industry has brainwashed parents across the country into believing that a college education is imperative. It has gone so far over the edge that failure to provide a college education for your kids only means you’re are bad parents.

I sat at the table with a well-meaning but altogether brainwashed father as he broke into tears when his son announced that he wasn’t going to university. He was going to attend a trade school to learn aircraft maintenance and repair. The boy’s father, himself possessing a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy, could hardly bare the ‘betrayal of family values’ his son had shown.

Two years later his son finished trade school and walked into a job paying more and providing better benefits than his fathers job. Dad had a tidy income, being on the job for 11 years, yet his wages actually paled in comparison to his son’s only 3 years after taking his first job working for a subsidiary of United Airlines.

Today in the 21st Century we still see unjustifiable loyalty to college educations and institutions. We still see parents pushing their kids into college when they don’t belong there. In fact, the majority of young people today have no business being on a college campus, let along swellings college rolls and bank accounts. We see parents blanche when told by a son or daughter that he or she is entering the military.

Let’s sum this up: A college education without purpose and goal is generally a complete waste of time and money. Going for a degree just for the sake of having a degree is the very height of stupidity. Have you ever asked yourself who really needs a college degree? Let’s see:

● Scientists in all disciplines need a degree. ● Architects and Engineers need a degree.

● Doctors and Lawyers need a degree. ● Teachers and Professors need a degree.

● Accountants and Financial Advisors need degrees.

Well, I could go on and on … and it appears I already have … but it’s clear that there are relatively few professions or careers that really need or justify the expense, time, and often wasted rigors and money of a college degree. It is only the propaganda of a multi-trillion dollar industry that keeps college so high on everyone’s priority lists.

It’s a scam and a fraud. In the USA today 44 percent of Americans over the age of 25 have a College Degree. According to the 2020 labour force report, the actual need for a college degree was more like 13 percent.
That’s one hell of a disparity! Going from 13-to-44 is a huge jump and only serves to show just how gullible we, as a people, have become. It also shows how successful their multi-generational propaganda campaign has been.

Let’s not even get into the crippling debt picture of those who needlessly acquire largely worthless and useless college degrees. Right now Americans are one point seven trillion dollars in student debt. That’s a lot of money. That’s a helluva lotta money! That’s enough to close our borders, deport all the illegals, initiate public works programs around the country, and cut our taxes by around 18 percent.

And remember, over 2/3 of this money need never have been spent. Rather than spending money, these young people could have been earning money, having entered the market as productive adults.

●What’s wrong with this picture?●

I’m Max, and that’s the way I see it!

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