Japan Airlines Crash-2024-How All 379 Onboard Survived

1 year ago

their escape was nothing short of a
miracle from a burning airliner which
burst into flames after a collision at
Tokyo's Hana airport 379 people were on
board the Japan Airlines Airbus a350
with just a handful of the passengers
suffering minor injuries after escaping
the Flames down inflatable slides the
jet was coming into land when there was
a collision with a coast card plane five
people on board the smaller craft
died the moment of impact a Japan
Airlines plane with more than 370
passengers on board skids down the
tarmac at Tokyo's busiest airport after
colliding with a smaller plane operated
by Japan's Coast

Guard inside the Airbus chaos as
passengers see heat and smoke bow from
and in the terrifying moments that
follow the plane finally comes to a
stop get me out she screams as
passengers Panic within moments and as
the cabin fills with fumes inflatable
slides are released allowing hundreds of
passengers and crew to scramble to
safety miraculously
unharmed I was wondering what happened
and then I felt the airplane tilted to
the side at the runway and I felt a big
bump the flight attendants told us to
calm I can only say it was a miracle we
could have died if we didn't evacuate at
point a huge fire quickly takes hold and
overwhelms the passenger aircraft and

this those on board the second plane
were not as fortunate five of the six
people aboard died although the pilot
the aircraft was traveling to Ishikawa
near the epicenter of a 7.6 magnitude
earthquake that struck Japan just over
24 hours earlier it was carrying food
and the crew were preparing to help with
the rescue
effort authorities here at haneda
airport deployed around a 100 fire
trucks to try and control the Blaze and
it took more than 6 hours experts are
saying that it's because of Japan's
strong safety record and its training of
its staff that the crew were able to
respond so effectively in
time we will work with the transport
Ministry to determine the cause of the
accident the scene needs to be preserved
for that but we'll try to get airport
operations going as quickly as
possible investigators will be
desperately looking for answers as to
how two planes were on the runway at the
same time an extraordinary moment but
coming so soon after a powerful
earthquake Japan finds itself facing two
tragedies in as many days suran janari

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